St Albert Physiotherapy How To Get Your Pain-Free Lifestyle Back | Page 5

The Art Of Healing Hamstring Strains The main goal of physiotherapy here is to restore the person’s functions, help them return to performing the sport and provide support to minimize the risk of relapsing. Initially, the patient undergoes a full examination during which the severity of the case is graded. In more complex cases, MRI and ultrasound scans are used to detect the exact location and extent of the strain. Immediate treatment aims to stop the bleeding, prevent scarring and reduce muscle tissue damage. A therapist will recommend cold compression, elevation, rest and immobilization in the primary phase of the treatment. It has been observed that following such injuries affect athletes in different ways depending on the sport they practice. Runners for instance require a break of 16 weeks, soccer players can do with as little as 14 days while dancers may need up to 50 weeks. Following this period, an active rehabilitation plan can be put in place. Physiotherapists recommend kicking this off as soon as possible to ensure optimal results. In early stages, gentle resistance exercises and a stretching program are