St Albert Physiotherapy Feeling Pain - Get Back To Your Life | Page 6

� Whether an individual has insurance or not purchasing medication that works occasionally can become tiresome on anyone ’ s budget . The pharmaceutical world has offered many people a cheaper option such as generic versions of medications , but some may not have this option .
� There have been several reports made about the lasting effects of medication in relation to relapses . This can be an indication that the “ go to ” medicines are not working well enough . Consumer reports found that at least a third of people who have taken pain relief drugs benefited very little to none at all on their prescribed medications .
� Some of the most common side effects to acupuncture is lightheadedness , soreness , muscle twitching and fatigue . Depending on the medication the side effects can be greater in severity .

Why Choosing Acupuncture as an Alternative Medicine for Musculoskeletal Issues is The New Way to go !

• Pharmaceutical drugs can be costly .

� Whether an individual has insurance or not purchasing medication that works occasionally can become tiresome on anyone ’ s budget . The pharmaceutical world has offered many people a cheaper option such as generic versions of medications , but some may not have this option .

• The medication does not work .

� There have been several reports made about the lasting effects of medication in relation to relapses . This can be an indication that the “ go to ” medicines are not working well enough . Consumer reports found that at least a third of people who have taken pain relief drugs benefited very little to none at all on their prescribed medications .

• Acupuncture has less severe side effects than prescription drugs

� Some of the most common side effects to acupuncture is lightheadedness , soreness , muscle twitching and fatigue . Depending on the medication the side effects can be greater in severity .