St Albert Physiotherapy Everything You Should Know About Physiotherapy | Page 5

How Massage Therapy Will Change Your Life

◦ There are many benefits to massage therapy . It is an amazing continuous solution to lower back pain . If you suffer from scoliosis or any other spinal injury that causes unrelenting back ache , massage therapists will ease the tension or knots within the muscle . This will relax the body and almost eradicate the pain for a length of time . While the deep intensity of the massage may be painful during and briefly after , it will lessen the pain in the long term . To get rid of the pain permanently you should see a physiotherapist as well .
◦ Another great benefit to massage therapy is that it reduces bone based diseases such as arthritis , fibromyalgia , joint pain and bursitis . 35 percent of massage therapy clients and patients go to therapists about problems such as those as massages have been found to be effective to relax muscles . It is reported that most symptoms disappear or lesson after only a month .
◦ It helps to stabilise hormones and regulate diabetes . Massage therapy is being used to reduce the inflammatory symptoms in the muscles that present themselves with diabetes . Even other therapies like yoga and hydrotherapy can help which do not run the risk of side effects like medication does .