Bible corner LILY’S BIBLE CORNER By Lily Kinnison 2 Timothy 4:7 I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. We’re almost there! As the school year comes to a close, take these endings as a good time to reflect. This verse from 2 Timothy prompts us to do such. If we listened in class all year, and tried our best, we competed well. We put our best feet forward and applied ourselves. We finished the race, hence it is within the final weeks of school. But this verse saved the most important for last: “I have kept the faith.” We may have tried hard and gotten to the end, but what really counts is our faith. Our school has given us a wonderful opportunity to put faith first. We notice Christ in each other. In all we do, God is the center. At the start of the next school year, we should ask ourselves these same questions. Will I compete well? Will I finish the race? Will I keep the faith? Hopefully, the answers for all of those will be yes. Summer is upon us, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop trying. This ending is a new beginning. Try even harder to do well and practice faith. Keep those eyes shining with hope; hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. WORDS OF WISDOM IN FIVE LANGUAGES By Mr. Capps Latin: Sero te amavi, pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova. English: Late have I loved you, Beauty so ancient yet so new! – St. Augustine of Hippo Hebrew: ‫פשע‬ ‫יחדל‬ ‫לא‬ ‫דברים‬ ‫ברב‬ English: In a flood of words you will not avoid sinning. –Proverbs 10:19 Greek: παντα δε ευσχημονος και κατα ταξιν γινεσθω . English: Everything should be done properly and in order. –1 Corinthians 14:40 Spanish: Si sabes alguna cosa, a tu projimo responde, si no, pon tu mano en la boca. English: If you have the knowledge, answer your neighbor; if not, put your hand over your mouth. –Sirach 5:12 --Sirach 5:12