SSIP Annual Reports 2018 Annual Report | Page 7

C 7 The Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) is charged with implementing efficient, high quality, and reliable wastewater projects that directly impact our quality of life. We operate our wastewater system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in a manner that is inclusive of environmental and community interests, and that sustains the resources entrusted to our care. The Wastewater Enterprise operates and maintains more than 1,000 miles of sewers, 25,000 storm drains, and three treatment facilities, the oldest and largest all-weather facility of which was built in 1952—the Southeast Treatment Plant. The SSIP supplements our Renewal and Replacement Program by making significant capital investments to upgrade our aging systems, using modern equipment and processes. These projects bring improvements to our most critical infrastructure, so we can ensure a resilient, reliable, and sustainable system now and for generations to come. The SSIP uses specific, measurable factors, known as Levels of Service (LOS), to prioritize projects and evaluate Program success. The LOS goals ensure that the projects not only meet our technical needs but work to balance social, environmental, and financial factors, while managing program and project-level risk. SEP 521/522 and Disinfection Upgrades (Building 521 Replacement)