The SFPUC is the first public utility in the nation to adopt Environmental Justice and
Community Benefits policies. Our “good neighbor” policies ensure we are giving back
to the communities where we provide high-quality water, power, and sewer services.
We are especially committed to working with communities that are most impacted by
our operations. Guided by these policies, the SSIP is a once in a lifetime opportunity
to leverage our investments and partnerships to support environmental, workforce,
education, and art initiatives in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood, which is
home to our Southeast Treatment Plant.
Youth Employment:
SSIP CityWorks
The SSIP CityWorks Internship Program
completed its sixth year of providing paid
summer internships to students from San
Francisco’s Southeast neighborhoods.
Sponsored by social impact commitments
from private engineering firms and
managed by Young Community Developers
(YCD), the program allowed 15 interns to
spend eight weeks working with the SFPUC
or private firms on SSIP projects happening
in their community. Through the program,
SSIP CityWorks interns learned valuable
on-the-job skills and were exposed to the
exciting and diverse career opportunities in
the water and wastewater industries such
as: engineering, architecture, environmental
management, and communications.
Interns also visited the SFPUC’s Southeast
Treatment Plant and Hetch Hetchy
Reservoir, which provided a tangible
SSIP CityWorks interns on a plant tour.