SSIP Annual Reports 2018 Annual Report | Page 36

36 SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM | Grey. Green. Clean. BY THE NUMBERS How we engaged the public in the past year. 26 STREET FAIRS EVENTS Attended neighborhood events to present project updates and gather public input. 7200+ eNEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS The SSIP Communications teams sends three different email newsletters monthly promoting project milestones, community programs, and construction updates. 25 COMMUNITY MEETINGS 139 NEWS ARTICLES/VIDEO SEGMENTS Attended neighborhood association meetings and community events to present project updates for green infrastructure, CBSIP, and the treatment plants throughout the City. Green infrastructure projects and Southeast Treatment Plant upgrades were featured in local newspaper articles, and on-line media sources including a SF Weekly article highlighting the “Countdown to the Waste Emergency.” 2500+ DRAINS ADOPTED Adopt a Drain program has just over 1,000 volunteers. The program hosted four volunteer events in which drain adopters could pick up free tools and watch a drain clearing safety demo.