The next five years will see The Society for Radiological Protec on con nue to build on our strengths and support our members .
We will con nue to encourage , enable , and equip our members to achieve their full poten al within the Society and within their career in Radia on Protec on , and we will encourage , support , and collaborate with those working on research in radia on protec on and associated sciences and disciplines .
Through our collabora ve working as a Society , we endeavour to develop our members , improving radia on protec on for the public benefit . We will empower them to share their enthusiasm for their profession , providing exci ng opportuni es for them to interact with our key stakeholders and the public .
We will con nue to develop strong links with HM Government and other organisa ons so that we can provide clear , mely advice on radia on protec on issues , and to be er inform the public .