www . berthold . com Contact : Mar n Trew Info . UK @ Berthold . com / mar n . trew @ berthold . com 01582 761477 / 07887 747430
Berthold Technologies has been developing and manufacturing radia on protec on instrumenta on for more than 70 years . Manufacturing , research and development is located at our parent company in Germany . Our instrumenta on includes handheld contamina on , gamma and neutron dose rate systems . We also offer a full range of installed instruments for radioac vity air monitoring , room monitoring , low level environmental systems , bench top measurement systems , and hand and foot monitors . Our measurement systems are available with a variety of advanced data loggers and PC so ware which can be configured for the required applica on . We provide turnkey monitoring solu ons for specific applica ons such as PET , Proton Therapy , air stack release monitoring ( including isokine c extrac on ), and accelerators . Cer fied to both ISO9001 and KTA1401 Berthold instrumenta on has gained an enviable reputa on for reliability and excep onal performance . All our products are supported by factory trained , UK based , technical engineers .
www . cavendishnuclear . com Contact : John Browning john . browning @ cavendishnuclear . com 07526 188219
Cavendish Nuclear offers programme and project management , safety case , environmental and liabili es consultancy , and training and engineering support across the whole nuclear new build and decommissioning process . Cavendish Nuclear also offers cri cality assessments , nuclear security advice , and independent regulatory and licensing compliance advice for implementa on of this work , and we have an experienced team of RP specialists , RPAs , RWAs , Environmental Consultants and Shielding Specialists .
Cavendish Nuclear has extensive experience in the calibra on and repair of radiological instrumenta on , and carries out bespoke radiological assay services . We have an Approved Dosimetry Service supplying personal dosimetry .
www . cerap . co . uk Contact : Alexis Rene arene @ cerap . co . uk 0117 319 0272
For more than 30 years CERAP has gathered together technical and human skills in order to support our customers efficiently in risk preven on and radia on protec on management . Through its subsidiaries , CERAP supports nuclear operators and manufacturers by providing engineering services , calibra on and radia on services . Our main ac vi es are :
• Radia on protec on from design to on-site assistance
• Radia on tes ng for material and equipment qualifica on
• Radia on Protec on Supervisor and Awareness training