• Suppliers of Radia on Protec on services and products and / or
• Employers of Radia on Protec on professionals
SRP ’ s membership is its backbone and provides the Society with its widespread knowledge and resources . This Directory of our Affiliated Organisa on members aims to help you find expert advice , products and informa on more easily – as and when you need it .
We are very grateful for the support that all these organisa ons give to the Society ; we currently have 83 , another big increase on last year . We welcome applica ons for new members – from individuals and from organisa ons ; full details are on our website . Please don ’ t hesitate to get in touch if you have any par cular query or sugges on .
Jennifer Humphries CRadP MSRP President president @ srp-uk . org
Sarah Hunak CRadP MSRP Director of Engagement engagement @ srp-uk . org
Gary Teague MSRP Affiliated Organisa on representa ve on SRP Council affiliatedorgs @ srp-uk . org
Looking for a par cular service or product ? See the Index on Page 36 .
The Society for Radiological Protec on is the UK ' s only professional society covering the en re field of Radia on Protec on . Its objec ve is to promote the science and art of radia on protec on and allied fields for the public benefit . Founded in 1963 , it was awarded a Royal Charter in 2007 and is the UK Associate Society affiliated to the Interna onal Radia on Protec on Associa on .
IRPA The UK Associate Society Affiliated to www . srp-uk . org