SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 18

Incoming President ' s Forward Look
As incoming President , I want to thank Jim Thurston for what he has delivered during his presidency . He has successfully led SRP out of the COVID Pandemic with a return to face-to-face events , reviewed the SRP Strategic Plan to set our direction for the next 5 years , found SRP a new patron and personally has supported me as President-Elect . It now falls to me to continue to lead SRP to rebuild our events programme back to prepandemic levels , implement the new Strategic Plan via the Strategic Delivery Plan , and build a relationship with our Patron to be our voice in Parliament .
I have an ambition to ensure our members are at an appropriate grade for their experience and role , and that they have appropriate professional registration . Someone asked me recently why this was important ? For the individual , it allows you to benchmark yourself against other professionals , a chartered Engineer or Accountant has a similar level of professionalism to a CRadP holder and IRadP is broadly equivalent to Incorporated Engineer . The requirement for professional registration in Radiation Protection is growing , with employers adding it to their career pathways and job adverts . For SRP , it gives us a louder voice with our Stakeholders , to be able to say we have 525 * professionally registered individuals and 1641 * members means SRP is taken more seriously with our partner societies , internationally and by HM Government .
These are all captured in the Strategic Plan along with commitments on Outreach , Public Communication and ( some would say most important of all ) support to our members in their day to day work . The SRP committees in their Directorates are currently working on the first round of actions for the Strategic Delivery Plan which will be available as part of the AGM papers and is a live document which will be visible to all SRP members by logging into MySRP . If you have any suggestions , then please email me at the address below .
I am looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the coming months and encouraging more of you to get actively involved in SRP .
Jennifer Humphries
Jennifer Humphries CRadP MSRP president @ srp-uk . org
* numbers correct as at 31 December 2022
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