SRP Annual Review 2020/21 | Page 15

Non-Nuclear Industry Committee Chair : David Copplestone , Secretary : Michael Lockyer

As the name suggests , the Non Nuclear Industry Committee represents the interests of those involved in radiological protection in the non-nuclear sector . We have a broad range of representation on the Committee from regulatory bodies to academia , ( radio ) pharmaceutical industry , production of radioactive sources and disposal of radioactive waste . We exist to raise awareness and disseminate guidance on issues related to radiological protection including for sectors that you might not immediately think of needing radiological protection such as the food and drink industry .
Scottish Regional Committee Chair : Colin Wood , Secretary : Angela Wright
The Committee represents the interests including devolved legislation issues of those based and working in Scotland and provides representation at the Scottish Non-Nuclear Industries Liaison Group ( SNNILG ). This year the Committee , in collaboration with the Outreach Committee , successfully submitted an application to the Edinburgh Science Festival which was subsequently cancelled . The committee is currently preparing a submission for the 2021 event in June / July . A Committee visit to Faslane has been postponed until later in 2021 / 2022 .
This year we have met twice , and our meetings have been focused on the updating and revision of a series of guidance leaflets including on the use of radioactive materials in the food and drink industry , transport , industrial site radiography , portable XRF systems and other industrial areas currently under discussion eg the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries . The first of these revised leaflets is now at the ' mock-up ' stage and should be ready for publication in 2021 . The Committee has also been invited to join the Stakeholder Committee of the traceRadon consortium which is developing radon metrology for use in climate change observation and radiation protection at the environmental level .
Nuclear Industries Committee Chair : Vicky Talbot , Secretary : Kim Vignitchouk
The Nuclear industry Committee has been in a quiescent state over the last 12 months due to the pandemic ; the Committee has recently met and has put down some activities for the coming 12 months such as webinars , a potential in person event , and learning from events over the last 12 months . The Committee has a strong membership from across the industry , and is looking forward to delivering against the strategic objectives in the coming year .
Research & Teaching Committee Chair : Gwen Mott , Secretary : Louise Nicholson
The Research and Teaching Committee promotes the interests of those involved with radiation protection in these sectors and aims to further their professional development . We are actively engaged in highlighting the interests of the groups we represent and responded to several sector relevant consultations in 202 - the most involved being the IAEA document ' DS470 Radiation Safety in the Use of Sources in Research and Education ', with 87 pages in length not a trivial task !
The Committee also had their guidance note on ' deep-cleaning of areas where radioactive materials are used or stored ' published as a reference for SRP members . The closer liaison with AURPO has been very fruitful and contributed to the joint webinar series and a poster presentation at the ETRAP2021 conference , reporting on the results of the survey on radiation safety culture carried out by the HERT working group .
Source Security & Emergency Preparedness Committee Chair : Tony Peters , Secretary : Nicola Jaynes
During 2020 committee members focused on refreshing the radioactive source security course to ensure its alignment with the RWA syllabus . Members of the committee also focused on formal accreditation of the source security course to meet the standards required for formal accreditation to assist SRP in becoming a formal training provider . This work is currently on hold awaiting guidance from SRP Council . The chair has been involved with the promotion of source security for IRPA and remains the chair of the IAEA Illicit Trafficking Database ( ITDB ). Committee members have also been involved in the drafting of SRP and HM Government documents . Committee members have continued to attend meetings to ensure the Society is kept informed of current thinking and proposed changes ( such as NACTSO and Heads of Profession meetings ), while addressing queries from other SRP members . 2020 will see changes in committee membership with virtual meetings being increased from two , to four a year . Members will be present at the 2021 Annual Conference , and a session on source security will hopefully increase awareness on source security and bring new volunteers to the committee . It is suggested that a member of the RGG be given the opportunity to join the committee for development purposes . A two-day training course on source security , has been scheduled for late 2021 .
Engagement Directorate
Director : Jennifer Humphries
Engagement Directorate is the group of SRP committees and networks who are involved with talking to anyone , be that our own members ( Communications Committee ), our Partner Societies and IRPA ( Committee for Liaison with IRPA and Partner Societies , CLIPS ), our less experienced members ( RGG ) or the general public about the science of RP ( Outreach Committee ). Our Journal of Radiological Protection Board is also part of the Engagement Directorate , as this is about academic written communication as well as Events Committee , who mastermind the SRP events programme , which is a formal way of communicating with members and non-members . We also have the Champions Network which is SRP ' s points of contact in larger workplaces and the Affiliated Organisation Rep – who is the voice of the Affiliated Organisations on Council .
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