SRO Magazine WCM-Q Cornell Colors Magazine 2015/2016 | Page 22

The first regional recruitment trip this year was to Jordan, in September 2015. A total of 11 schools were visited in three days. Schools included:

- American Community College

- Modern American School

- Ahliya School

- The Jubilee School

- Mashrek International School

- Amman Baccalaureate School

- King's Academy

- Amman Academy

- International Academy in Amman

- Modern Montessori School

- International School of Chouiefat


Kuwait followed Jordan this year in the regional recruitment trips. The trip took place in October 2015. Schools included:

- Bayan Bilingual School

- American Creativity Academy (for girls)

- English Academy

- New English School

- American School of Kuwait

- American International School

- Universal American School

- Canadian Bilingual school

- Kuwait English School

- British School of Kuwait


Regional Roadshow
