central theme of several charming works composed by the sadacharyas of Sri Brahmatantra
Swatantra Parakala matham, right from the grand ages of Swamy Vedanta Maha Deshika.
In addition to these murthys, there is also a murthy of Swamy Deshika that was once upon a
time in the thiruvaradhanam of Swamy Varadanatha Nayanaracharya himself. At the end of
his time, Swamy Varadanatha bequeathed this murthy and also the murthy of Sri
Devadhiraja that was their family treasure to Sri Emperumanarappan, his prime disciple. The
murthy of Sri Vedanta Deshika was bequeathed by Emperumanarappan to Sri Truteeya
Brahmatantra Swatantra Sri Srinivasa Parakala Swamy as a reward for his monumental
prose work – The Muvayirappadi Guruparampara Prabhavam. Since that day onwards, the
murthy of Swamy Vedanta Deshika also continues to be receiving nitya-thiruvaradhanam
from the Acharyas of this matham.
There are several other Thiruvaradhana murthys that have come from everyone of the
Acharyas in the divine paramparai of Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy Matam.