Sri Vageesha Priyah eSouvenir May 2014 | Page 15

॥ श्रीः॥ ु ॥ श्रलक्ष्मरहयवदन लक्ष्मरनारायण वेणगोपाल परब्रह्मणे नमीः॥ ु ॥ श्र शठकोप रामानज देशशके भ्यो नमीः॥ ु ॥ श्र ब्रह्मतन्त्र स्वतन्त्र परकाल गरुपरम्परायै नमीः॥ PURVACHARYA PARAMPARAA VANDANAM ASmÌ‚ésmar<Éa< yitzeormXyma<, lúmIv‘É pyRNta< vNde guéprMpra<. Our parama-vaidika Srivaishnava Srisampradayam is rich with a divine heritage of preceptors that traces its roots all the way to Sriman Narayana Himself. He is our prathama Acharya. All forms and sources of knowledge that we have amidst us today have come from Sriman Narayana and Mahalakshmi. After the maha-pralayam, He created all the worlds and entities (tatvams). He also created the four-faced Brahma from His lotus womb and ordained him to give us the physical body along with its characteristic attributes. Brahma, who was imprudent, was then initiated into the four Vedas by the Lord Himself. When Madhu and Kaitabha plundered with the four Vedas, the Lord having killed them restored the Vedas back to their pristine glory. He enlightened everyone by incarnating Himself as Sri Hayagriva (The Lord of all knowledge and learning). By the grace of Mahalakshmi, he then propagated this knowledge to Vishvaksena. Through him this knowledge has flown down further through Shathakopa, Nathamuni, Pundarikaksha, Manakkalnambi, Yamunacharya, Ramanujacharya and Swamy Deshika uninterruptedly by means of upadesha parampara or initiation lineage. It is our foremost duty therefore to first offer our humble obeisance to this illustrious hierarchy of sadacharyas. Let us perform mangalacharanam and pray unto the lotus feet of these sadacharyas to bless this samarpanam to have no hindrances and to make this offering a worthy recipient of bhagavath-bhaagavatha mukhollasam. ASmÌ‚ésmar<Éa< yitzeormXyma<, lúmIv‘É pyRNta< vNde guéprMpra<. kmPya*< gué< vNde kmlag&hmeixnm!, àv-a DNdsa< v-a p Svym!.1. shxmRcrI— zaEre> s