Our members; enthusiastic and outgoing, come from all the parts of the
world and are students who want to have a great time during their studies at
Hotelschool. However, they understand the importance of their studies and
therefore they are in need of an association that is flexible allowing them to
focus on what matters the most for them.
We are very proud to share with you some of the experiences brought to
you directly by our members. A big thank you for your contribution guys !
Omar Said - EGYPT
3rd Phase Student
“When people ask me what was the best thing
about the school I dont need to think twice : Senti
Questo. Hotelschool has given me a lot but Senti
Questo gave me everything ! I dont see it as as
student association i see it as a big family that grows
bigger and bigger every semester. Thursdays would
not be the same without THE AMA-ZA-ING KINDERBAR. The passion and joy the members of the
board and their team put every week is admirable. I
personnally felt the connection that senti questo
seeks with each one of the students. They always
gave their best in every party and specially every
kinderbar, i can assure that
as i dont think i've
missed one. Without
any doubt joining
SQ was one of the
best decisions I made.”