Booth : $ 2,500
Table : $ 1,500
Full-color ad in SPS printed & online program
SPS 2018 Exhibit Hall
Booth : $ 2,500
� 10 ’ x 10 ’ exhibitor booth , piped and draped , including skirted table and two chairs , wastebasket
Table : $ 1,500
( Government , nonprofits , & startups only )
Full-color ad in SPS printed & online program
Inclusion in the Exhibitor Lightning Rounds ( 90-second live interview from your booth broadcast into the lecture hall )** Two individual two-day conference registrations for representatives of your organization
Meeting space available for small-group business meetings
� Exhibitor registration rate of $ 250 for up to six additional individuals * � �
Organization logo listed with hyperlink on SPS website Acknowledgement in printed program
� Complete attendee list ( subject to release of information by attendees )
� �
6 ’ table , skirted plus one chair and wastebasket
One individual two-day conference registration for a representative of your organization
� Exhibitor registration rate of $ 250 for up to six additional individuals * �
� �
Organization logo listed with hyperlink on SPS website
Acknowledgement in printed program
Complete attendee list ( subject to release of information by attendees )
� Full-page ad : $ 1000
� Half-page ad : $ 750
� Quarter-page ad : $ 500
Logos and ads must be submitted as highresolution electronic files ( jpg , png , pdf , etc .)
* Exhibitor registration rate of $ 250 includes full , two-day conference registration for additional employees of your organization ( limit 6 ). Exhibitor registration rate expires Sept . 15 , 2018 .
** Due to time constraints , Lightning Rounds are limited to the first 40 booths sold .
Booths and tables are assigned on a first-come , first-served basis to exhibitors who have paid in full . To view the Expo Hall map showing booth and table availability , go to ttspsworld . com / exhibitor-opportunities .
“ Loved lightning rounds ! Very helpful in targeting visits and maximizing my time !”
For more information or to reserve exhibit space at SPS , contact Cassandra Coray at 520.626.4126 or ccoray @ telemedicine . arizona . edu or go to ttspsworld . com .
SPS is presented by the Arizona Telemedicine Program with the Southwest Telehealth Resource Center and Four Corners Telehealth Consortium .
Join the national Telemedicine & Telehealth Service Provider Directory !
Does your company or program provide clinical services to organizations through telemedicine ? If so , join the directory and get the word out ! There is no charge to be listed . http :// telemedicine . arizona . edu / servicedirectory