SPS 2017 Program SPS 2017 Program | Page 47

term delivery (<37 weeks) lived an average of 40 minutes away from their delivering facility. According to the CDC, ma- ternal mortality rates in metropolitan areas was 18.2 per 100,000 livebirths and in rural areas 29.4 in 2015. In 2014, Georgia’s Governor Deal created the Rural Hospital Stabiliza- tion Committee to identify needs of rural hospitals and to provide grants for solutions. Upson Regional Medical Center, with the only L&D in a 75 mile radius, was a 2016 grant recipi- ent. The hospital allocated a portion of its grant money to implement MFM Telemedicine, which they used to decrease patient bypass, improve patient compliance, generate new revenue, and upgrade the technology. The grant funded tele- medicine equipment, set up fees and ultrasonographer train- ing costs. Women’s Telehealth and URMC worked to imple- ment the MFM program and have achieved astounding re- sults in their first year. most refined data collection instruments, but on the “patient comment” section to identify opportunities in operational and clinical workflow. Patients have had clear, effective, sim- ple and amazing ideas about how to improve their own tele- medicine encounters. If only we would all listen! Methods: Results: The survey response rate was 78%. Results showed that 87% of patients’ scores were “satisfied” with their MFM telemedicine visit. However, their free form “comments” led Women’s Telehealth to make numerous and immediate oper- ational and clinical improvements, including: adding 2 new service lines, making two technology changes, instituting spe- cific provider on camera training, adding virtual medical assis- tants, website modifications, virtual queuing, and clinical tasking post encounter .  The use of new, non-cart, cost effective technology configurations  Long distance ultrasonographer training to upgrade OB imaging skills  Early involvement of all partnership stakeholders  Use of a single transparent “RoadMap” across all entities Results: The program took < 6 months from the initial meeting to GO LIVE in March of 2017. During the first 90 days > 65 MFM referrals were generated and 72 encounters com- pleted. Yr 1 projections show that >400 MFM telemedicine encounters are expected. URMC reports the project has demonstrated new MFM revenue, patient community reten- tion and positive patient satisfaction. The total cost for pro- gram deployment was <$25K. Conclusions: States that help rural hospitals overcome initial telemedicine costs can expect early success and self- sustaining telemedicine programs to solve access to OB care gaps. 27. Incorporating Direct Patient Feedback to Accelerate Operational and Clinical Workflow Improvements Tanya Mack