Sprout 1 | Page 12

Prop Purgatory

I walk into the dark warehouse immediately feeling hundreds of eyes upon me. The lights flicker on, revealing the room purposefully cluttered with abandoned props from old Disney shows and parades. The center of the room is empty. Those eyes I felt on me now belong to faces of puppets that line the floor and walls. A thin layer of dust covers everything. It is hard to tell if the dust is there for effect or due to lack of care. Large Lion King puppets are propped up against one another. Once made to dance by people, they now sit motionless looking directly at me. A sleeping Lion is lying on the ground. His eyes shut, mouth smiling, and his mane collecting small clumps of dust. He once rode a large parade float. Three hyenas held up on poles laugh at those who pass by. They stand with oversized gold silverware and a very large blue beetle belonging to A Bug’s Life. The large bug is the first thing I see when I enter the room. He is placed facing the door welcoming everyone who walks in. A smile plastered on his face as if inviting anyone to play with him.

There are two ramps that lead up to more props, larger props. A fifteen-foot puppet used in EPCOT’s now retired parade towers over me. It stands with no face and its arms open making it look like a giant fan. An old backdrop of a little town from the Beauty and the Beast show hangs on the second floor taking up an entire wall. It appears to be hand painted and looks exactly like the actual cartoon town from the movie. It is partially hidden behind even more props. A Roger Rabbit cut out sits next to life size crayons.

The Sprout

By Brogan Haynes