Getting started with
By Melissa Erickson
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ith real estate demand
at an all-time high,
homeowners are making
the most of their
outdoor space by using blank walls,
fences or perpendicular open spaces
to tend everything from fl owers to
edibles, succulents, ferns and vines.
“Space is really the main driver
for this. As land prices continue
to rise and cities become denser,
the amount of gardening space
has greatly diminished,” said
Joe Raboine, outdoor-design
expert with Belgard, a hardscapes
manufacturer. “Vertical gardens
allow just about anyone to gar-
den. Even with a balcony, vertical
gardens can be amazingly pro-
ductive for a small footprint.”
Vertical gardening is just one of
many outdoor trends according to
the Garden Media Group’s 2019
Garden Trends Report. Others
include an explosion of houseplants,
garden tech apps and robots that
monitor growing conditions,
and community gardening.
Americans spent a record $503
per household on gardening in
2018, up $100 from the previous
year, according to the report.
In some ways, vertical garden-
ing can actually be easier than
maintaning a traditional garden.
“Given their height, they are less
prone to damage from animals
such as rabbits. Since they are in
containers, they are also easier to
keep weeds out of,” Raboine said.
“Th e biggest challenge is mak-
ing sure they contain enough soil
for the plants that one is grow-
ing. Th e next biggest challenge is
6 • Spring Vermont Home, Garden & Auto 2019
to give them enough water. Th ere
are many simple drip irrigation
systems that can be connected
to timers to make that easier.”
Plants with a smaller foot-
print tend to thrive in verti-
cal gardens, Raboine said.
“Th ings like peppers, toma-
toes and herbs can do well. Plants
like beans and peas can also do
well, as they like to grow up a
structure. Even watermelons can
work, since they can be trained
as well, and as long as they are
supported when they get larger,
they will be fi ne,” Raboine said.
In addition to adding dimen-
sion, vertical gardens can increase a
space’s creativity in everything from
classic to modern designs. Th ey can
be a natural screen for privacy or
a living wall of an outdoor room.
Th ey can add layers to an exist-
ing garden or be built next to the
home or garage or along a fence.
“Full sun is the biggest factor,
and then the total height it will
be when complete,” Raboine said.
“Typically, vertical gardens are next
to structures or fences, but can
easily be freestanding structures
as well. ... Really anywhere they
have full sunlight is an option.”
Raboine’s tips for getting started:
• First, fi nd a site that has at
least six hours of full sun.
• Second, be sure that the materi-
als used are suitable for building
the structure. Th e structure itself
can be a combination of masonry,
hardscapes and wood. Th e contain-
ers can be preformed plastic or
custom-built with composites.
• Avoid using treated lumber
for the troughs themselves, as the
chemicals can leach into the soil.