"...the opportunity to travel
and explore new cities." -Fady
How long have you been doing auto
Fady: Just about 5 years.
Miranda: 3 1/2 years. I started as a local Brand
Ambassador for Ford in Detroit, then started working
for Honda as a national Presenter/Product Specialist
in Fall 2017.
Jacki: 8 years.
Teresa: 5 years. Wow time flies!
Favorite thing about auto shows?
Fady: My favorite part about working the auto
shows is having the opportunity to travel and explore
new cities/states that I have not been to before. Each
city you get to meet unique people.
Miranda: My road family and that I’m always
learning something new.
Jacki: The blessing of travel and meeting people from
all walks of life.
Teresa: Getting to travel to places I'd never thought
I'd visit and getting to meet people from all over. No
one person is the same and each day is new.
How did you get involved in auto shows?
Fady: Ha ha ha this is a funny story. I actually
started working trade shows because of a special
friend named Teresa. I reached out to her to see if
she knew anyone that was looking for talent, an sure
enough, at that time there was a position opening up
for a Bi-lingual product specialist. I went in for an
audition and next time I know I had gotten a call
back for round two. From there, the rest is history.
Miranda: I met other local models while working for
the Palace. Promotional gigs are great for networking
and getting started in the industry. I actually worked
for the Detroit Pistons at NAIAS in 2016.
Jacki: Through my good friend, Angie May at our
modeling agency.
Teresa: A girl I worked with at our local sports radio
station referred me and my background in the
entertainment industry helped me a ton.