Spring Newsletter NAFSA VI 1 | Page 3

A note from the chair ...

What a year so far ! International Education has certainly been at the forefront of the national conversation with the two Executive Orders affecting travel to the US . While I ’ ve struggled to keep up with rapid changes , I ’ ve been so impressed with my students ’ resolve and dedication to achieving their academic and professional goals . This is what our work is all about ! During many a heartbreaking conversation , I ’ ve had students stop and assure me that they appreciate the help offices like mine provide . I ’ m constantly humbled by these amazing students .
Throughout the rapid changes , NAFSA has continued to be a resource and is taking a proactive approach to collecting information about ripple effects in higher education . If you haven ’ t had a chance , check out NPR ’ s interview with NAFSA ’ s new CEO Ether Brimmer . The first Executive Order that included the original travel ban was signed during the Washington Leadership Meeting in DC . The NAFSA staff sprang into action and were ready with a well thought out response first thing the next morning .
In what have been trying times , we Region VIers are also resources for one another . The regional conference provides the opportunity to share creative solutions to major challenges , best practices , and the voices of our students with one another . This year its role will be especially important for resource sharing and community building .
The regional leadership team was in Louisville early in March to kick-off regional conference planning . The conference will be held October 15-17 at the Louisville Marriott Downtown . We ’ re looking forward to a great conference in a fun city !
I hope to see many of you at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Los Angeles May 28th-June 2nd . At the regional update meeting Wednesday afternoon of the conference , we ’ ll have a chance to be together as a group to reflect on our work and look forward to the regional conference in October .
I feel so fortunate to be part of this community !
Franny Henkel Region VI Chair