Spring Cleaning Checklist | Page 2


 Vacuum refrigerator and coil

 Wipe out the inside of the freezer & fridge

Living Room:

 Vacuum or dust blinds or curtains

 Rotate out winter rugs & throws for summer ones

 Professionally Steam Clean Carpets & Furniture

(Call 905 646-6655 for specials)


 Launder or dry clean bedding

 Vacuum or dust blinds or curtains

 Professionally Steam Clean Carpets

(Call 905 646-6655 for specials)


 Discard expired cosmetics, beauty products,

medications, etc.

 Clean tile and grout

(Call 905 646-6655 for specials)

Home Offices:

 Clean out files

 Review and update insurance policies, etc.

 Professionally Steam Clean Carpets

Call 905 646-6655 for specials)