Spring 2024 Gavel | Page 7

Dakota ,” adds Dynes of addressing the challenges faced by the state .
As its meetings have progressed , the task force has also examined other points related to the state ’ s law profession , including licensing and processes to becoming a lawyer , the decline in the number of people applying for law school and taking the bar exam , and the demographics of in-state and out-of-state students at the law school .
Tufte says the task force has even looked at new approaches to bringing individuals into the law profession in North Dakota , including a model similar to that of a nurse practitioner degree and role in the medical profession . “ We ’ ve talked about all aspects of practicing law in North Dakota ,” notes Tufte .
Weiler says the committee is working to gain a better understanding of the needs of the law profession and judicial system in the state . “ At the very least , we are taking a look at all things related to the practice of law and hoping to better understand the needs of the public and lawyers in North Dakota ,” he notes . “ The task force is doing important work , and I ’ m glad SBAND can be a part of any solutions .”
It is important the committee also examine how other states are addressing similar problems and crafting solutions , says Tufte . “ North Dakota is not the only state with a lawyer shortage . We can learn a lot from what other states are doing to address these problems .”
Looking to the Future
Another approach the committee is taking is collecting data to examine lawyer caseloads across the state . “ We are looking at preliminary numbers in the court ’ s case management system to determine how many cases have one or more sides without a lawyer representing , and what are these specific case types and in what parts of the state ,” says Tufte . “ We are also looking at the case management system to determine how many cases active lawyers are taking , where they are , and what kind of cases they are taking .”
“ If anyone in the state bar is interested in a specific topic or has information they want us to discuss , they can reach out to us .”
The meeting schedule of the Bar Admission and Lawyer Retention Task Force is available at www . ndcourts . gov / meetings-and-events . Additional information is available by contacting Garrick Voigt , Supreme Court staff attorney , at GVoigt @ ndcourts . gov .
It is important the task force make a thorough examination of the possibilities available to address the state ’ s bar admissions and lawyer retention , says Tufte . “ We are exploring many options and intend to make recommendations to the court and legislature that could reform the practice of law in North Dakota .”
“ The people of North Dakota need to have a reliable legal system to help them resolve their disputes ,” Tufte continues . “ If people are shut out of this system because there are not enough lawyers in their community , the lawyers are too expensive , or the lawyers are overwhelmed , their problems may not be resolved .”
Bar Admission and Lawyer Retention Task Force Members
Justice Jerod E . Tufte , Task Force Chair North Dakota Supreme Court
Sen . Michelle Axtman North Dakota State Senate
Jane L . Dynes , President Board of Law Examiners
Rep . Shannon Roer Jones North Dakota House of Representatives
Brian Pappas , Dean University of North Dakota School of Law
Judge Kirsten M . Sjue Judicial Branch
Tony J . Weiler , Exec . Dir . State Bar Association of North Dakota
He says the task force hopes having current numbers will provide a starting point to measure impacts of its recommendations in the future . “ This will help us to know five to 10 years down the road if we are making a difference ,” Tufte notes . “ We will be able to know if the changes that came out of the task force ’ s recommendations have helped to address the problems of today .”
Welcoming Input
The most recent meeting of the Bar Admissions and Lawyer Retention Task Force was held in April , and Tufte says he hopes the group can meet several more times ahead of generating a report in the fall , ahead of the 2025 Legislative Session .
He says the meetings are open to the public and input from members of the bar and others in the legal profession is welcomed .
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