As my tenure as president of the State Bar Association of North Dakota draws to a close , I am filled with a mix of emotions – gratitude , pride , and a touch of nostalgia . Serving in this position has been a privilege and an honor , and I am immensely thankful for the opportunity to lead such a dedicated and passionate community of legal professionals .
Before I touch on the close of my year as president , I want to highlight one thing I have learned in the last year . In order to dedicate the proper amount of time to this position , I had to make a few changes in my work-life balance . The number one thing people have asked me during the past year hasn ’ t had a thing to do with my position ! I was ready for all of the discussions people would want to have about the issues in the legal profession , yet here I sat answering the same question , over and over . People always asked me : how in the world do you manage it all ? And my answer was always the same : I don ’ t ! I am just really good at looking like I do !
I have learned in the last year to really prioritize my life . Work-life balance is so important to having a happier , healthier , and more fulfilling life . In the past year , I have really learned how to prioritize being a mom , a wife , a professional , and the bar president . If there is anything I have taken away from this year , it is how to effectively manage my time and commitments and how to achieve a good work-life balance , thus leading to a happier and more effective mom , wife , and attorney . Here is my unsolicited advice – it is always a struggle to find the right balance as the scales of worklife balance constantly shift . The obstacles and conflicts between work and private life change constantly . There is no perfect answer to a great work-life balance , but I believe making an effort , being flexible , and having the understanding that sometimes you just can ’ t do it all are qualities that help you get close to achieving a great work-life balance . I promise that even though you probably don ’ t feel like you are properly managing it all , you are !
One of the highlights of my presidency has been the emphasis on promoting rural practice within our legal community and seeking a solution to the lawyer shortage in North Dakota . I had the privilege to speak to many of the bar associations in my tour of North Dakota . I was able to attend many investitures ( not sure anyone has had more judges placed in their year of presidency ) and was able to meet bar leaders from across the county . I am being very honest when I say I have enjoyed every minute of it !
Furthermore , we have been steadfast in our commitment to promoting justice and serving all of the lawyers in North Dakota . Recognizing the profound impact legal representation can have on people ’ s lives , we have worked to support pro bono services ( ND Free Legal Answers ), enhance legal aid programs in conjunction with ND Legal Services , and examine alternative pathways to practice . We have remained keen on being apprised of up-and-coming issues in the practice of law and to be on the forefront of providing the best possible service to our members .
As I look forward to the future , I am confident SBAND will continue to thrive and evolve under new leadership . I look forward to being involved in the strategic planning that Executive Director Tony Weiler and our board will participate in this coming fall .
Our profession is ever-changing , and it is incumbent upon us to adapt to emerging challenges and seize new opportunities for growth and innovation . I have every confidence the dedicated board members of our association will carry forward these ideals with integrity , vision , and a steadfast commitment to excellence .
In closing , I want to express my deepest gratitude to the members of SBAND for their support and dedication throughout the past year . I have had the great honor of naming individuals to committees within the state bar and many dedicated attorneys have reached out to us wanting to be involved . It has been a privilege to serve alongside you , and I am immensely proud of all that we have accomplished together . Thank you for the opportunity to lead and may SBAND continue to thrive for generations to come .
Hope to see you all at the annual meeting !