ISSUE # 95 ❖ SPRING 2023
Creator of Plant Riverside District in Savannah , Georgia , Richard Kessler with publisher of South magazine , Michael Brooks .
Mr . Persistence
No one likes to talk about the upside of something as devastating as the COVID pandemic , but it ’ s hard to ignore the huge impact it has had on destinations such as Savannah . When countries began closing their borders to travelers from abroad , then unrest began creeping across the planet , American travelers started looking inward , looking for the best spots in the lower 48 to spend a vacation .
They discovered Savannah and the Coastal South , to the tune of nearly 12 million visitors and growing . This massive influx of tourists has changed the face of the South , not only through the sheer number of them who made the vacation permanent , but through the new opportunities they have created for locals in the hospitality industry .
The most visible example of this has to be Plant Riverside , launched by Richard Kessler in the thick of COVID shutdowns before the great Southeastern migration had begun . When plans were first announced for a $ 300 million , 670,000-square-foot development at the west end of River Street in the old power plant , it was seen as a bellwether for massive revitalization of the entire riverfront .
The pandemic could have killed it . Instead , it created an environment where more people than ever were flocking to Savannah , beating a path to an entertainment megaplex which now serves as the heartbeat of the historic district .
Before Plant Riverside District , Kessler was known for his amazing boutique hotels throughout the Southeast . His attention to detail and creativity made the Kessler Collection a byword for destinations that stood apart . A few years ago , Richard Kessler was quoted in South magazine saying , “ Winston Churchill said the most exhilarating feeling in the world is being shot at without result ,” says Kessler . “ Well , I ’ ve been shot at and missed before when it comes to dealing with complicated economies and business challenges , but I ’ ve always pulled through . Persistence is what got me through .”
Kessler was destined for hotel fame . At the tender age of 23 and fresh out of college he helped launch Days Inns of America in 1970 . It didn ’ t take him long to become the chain ’ s president , CEO , and chairman at age of 29 .
The South has continued to benefit from Kessler ’ s hard work and passion for bringing the finest hotel experiences to the Hostess City of the South featuring hotels in Georgia , North Carolina , South Carolina , Alabama , Colorado , Florida and Minnesota . But Savannah will always be Kessler ’ s home , along with the thousands of new neighbors we ’ ve welcomed over the last few years .
18 SOUTH Spring 2023 PHOTO by D . PAUL GRAHAM