Spring 2023 Recreation Brochure Spring 2023 Recreation Brochure | Page 27



Creative Journaling
This workshop combines motivating writing prompts , drawing activities , and discussions about mindful awareness for those interested in journaling for optimal change , writing poetry , flash fiction , or short reflections . “ Creativity is a natural life force that we can all experience in one form or another . “ -Julia Cameron
Instructor : MaryAnn Easley / Location : SCC
14628 Th Mar 9-Apr 13 9:30-11:30am 50 + yrs $ 60 *
14629 Th Apr 27-Jun 1 9:30-11:30am 50 + yrs $ 60 * * Sign up for both sessions by Feb 28 and receive a $ 20 discount : 12 weeks for $ 100
Write Your Memoir
What ’ s your story ? We all have one ; in fact , we have more than one . Writing your memoir is a journey of self-discovery . This class will help you accomplish the task through discussion , writing prompts , and critiques . Make your mark in history . Whether you want to preserve a family legacy , search for your personal identity , gain insight into the past , heal from a traumatic experience , or create another version of your life , this user-friendly class is for you . Your family will thank you and so will generations to come . Discovering the art of writing memoir will change your life and perhaps the lives of others .
“ Each of us is a book waiting to be written , and that book , if written , results in a person explained .” – Thomas M . Cirignano
Instructor : MaryAnn Easley / Location : SCC
14630 T Mar 7-Apr 11 9:30-11:30am 50 + yrs $ 60 *
14631 T Apr 25-May 30 9:30-11:30am 50 + yrs $ 60 * * Sign up for both sessions by Feb 28 and receive a $ 20 discount : 12 weeks for $ 100
Advanced Writer ’ s Circle Critique
Serious writers completing a longer work in fiction , nonfiction , scriptwriting , freelance proposals , or memoir share their work , receive valuable critique from experienced writers , offer feedback to others . “ Read a ton . Take a workshop course so you can learn to give and get criticism .” -Jodi Picoult
Instructor : MaryAnn Easley / Location : SCC
14632 Th Mar 9-Apr 13 1-3pm 50 + yrs $ 60 * 14633 Th Ap 27-Jun 1 1-3pm 50 + yrs $ 60 *
* Sign up for both sessions by Feb 2 and receive a $ 20 discount : 12 weeks for $ 100
Help us avoid canceling classes and sign up at Sea Country ' s front desk .


Bloomin ’ Seniors Gardening Lecture Create a Wildlife Habitat
No , not the lions-and-tigers-and-bears kind of wildlife ! More like the small critters such as birds , bees , butterflies and lizards . UC Master Gardeners of Orange County will show you how to attract wildlife by creating a welcoming habitat . Learn to restore a natural balance , then reap the benefits as you enjoy watching these small creatures right in your own backyard . Call the front desk to reserve your seat ( 949 ) 425-5151 .
Presented by : UC Master Gardeners of OC / Location : SCC
Th Mar 2 10am 50 + yrs Free
Bloomin ’ Seniors Gardening Lecture Gardening in Small Spaces
If you plan it , you can do it . Discover tips and tricks to transform your gardening space , no matter how small , using ornamental plants . Enhance your garden to make an impact with various shapes , textures , and colors of plants . UC Master Gardeners of Orange County will discuss soil , integrated pest management , in addition to care and feeding . Make a place to relax , entertain , or play in your beautiful , small space . Call the front desk to reserve your seat ( 949 ) 425-5151 .
Presented by : UC Master Gardeners of OC / Location : SCC
Th Apr 6 10am 50 + yrs Free
Traveling Can Boost Your Health The Cultures of the Himalayas
Virtual Travel Talks delivers an in-depth , personalized sightseeing experience of some of the most beautiful sites in the world . Expertly narrated by Nino Mohan , photographer and avid world traveler , each slide show takes a deep dive into the exploration of travel destinations that most are unable to see in person in these times .
Presented by : Virtual Travel Talks / Location : SCC
Tu Apr 18 1:30pm 50 + yrs Free
Keeping Healthy with Medicare Preventive Services
Preventive Services are an important way to stay healthy by getting disease prevention and early detection services . Medicare covered Preventive Services can help you find health problems early , when treatment works best , and help keep you from getting certain diseases . Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program ( HICAP ) is providing a free seminar describing these services and what to expect during Annual Wellness Visits with your healthcare provider .
Presented by : HICAP / Location : SCC
M Apr 24 1pm 50 + yrs Free

Age 50 + Adult Programs

SEA COUNTRY CENTER ( 949 ) 425-5151 ONLINE REGISTRATION : CityofLagunaNiguel . org / Registration | REGISTRATION FORM : Page 32