Can Money Buy You Happiness ? by Nick Kim
happiness .” Thus , one could gain happiness without achieving life satisfaction . Further , happiness usually lasts shorter than the feeling of accomplishment . Since the state of being happy is an emotion , it can change randomly depending on the environment as well as other confluences of events . As a result , money may bring life satisfaction , but not happiness at the same time .
Many things on Earth can be purchased with money . However , can you buy your actual happiness with money ? In my opinion , we can ’ t buy our happiness with money due to the diverse definition of happiness , in-equivalence between satisfaction and happiness , and the unnecessary of money in happiness
People are unable to define their own happiness and even they do , the definition of it could diverse among people . For instance , some people may gain happiness from buying luxuries , while others gain it from interactions with friends . An article from trackinghappiness . com stated , “… it ’ s so difficult for the world to agree on a single definition of happiness . That ’ s because happiness can ’ t be universally defined .” Hence , people with different ethnicity , cultures , and life experiences would formulate their own definitions and standards of happiness . Even people with the same particular group , such as twins , may have different definitions of being happy . Therefore , due to the inability to have a universal definition of happiness , money is unable to be associated with happiness directly .
Lastly , people do not necessarily have to spend a great deal of money in order to gain happiness . For example , one may receive much greater happiness at fishing than buying a Lamborghini , meaning one ’ s happiness may not always associated with the amount of money spent on it . According to healthline . com , even going to refreshing places such as parks or playgrounds can make you happy and this can be done without spending any money . Thus , happiness from activities that do not wealth may outperform the happiness from luxuries goods .
Surely it is great luck to win the lottery ; yet , as we see from the research and news about low happiness levels and the unfortunate deaths of lottery winners , we may doubt if money actually makes us happy . The non-universal definition of happiness , the incorrect association between life satisfaction and happiness , and the unnecessary of money in happiness are three factors that attributed me to believe money can ’ t buy happiness .
Secondly , satisfaction doesn ’ t always mean happiness . The reason we purchase things is to meet our life satisfaction ; yet , it is questionable whether a causation is between life satisfaction and happiness . In the article “ Life Satisfaction Theory & 4 Contributing Factors ,” E . Ackermen stated , “ Although related , happiness and life satisfaction are not the same thing . Happiness is an immediate , inthe-moment experience … but happiness alone usually does not make for a fulfilling and satisfying life … Life satisfaction is more stable and long-lived than