Education News Spring 2022 | Page 38

Page 20 | Spring 2022

Alumnus positively influencing change

Christian Mbanza
Alumnus Christian Mbanza ( BEd ’ 17 – Le Bac ) is currently a French Immersion Educator at École St . Mary Elementary School in Regina . You may have seen Christian in the news recently regarding his work to bring Black history into prairie classrooms . ( Click to read )
Christian has a passion for history and it is one reason he became a teacher : “ I have a passion , not only about important events throughout history , but the people who were able to influence society . I had a history teacher in high school who would always tell us that ‘ those who don ’ t know history are doomed to repeat it ,’ and that continues to echo in my mind . I see how true that is throughout society today .”
Black history is a particular focus for Christian , who says , “ I believe that teaching Black history is often misrepresented or ignored in general and has created a negative image and perception around Africans / African- Canadians . In order for the perception to change , we must first know the history and properly teach the history . When students , Black or White , learn about the positive contributions of Black people , whether it be in science , art , law , and so forth , they are able to gain an appreciation and a new understanding . To ensure that Black history is being implemented , I encourage teachers to use resources by Black authors , writers , artist , and refer to famous Black scientists and mathematicians and incorporate primary sources into reading lists .”
A second passion for Christian is people , especially youth , which is another reason he became a teacher : “ An educator can positively influence and change the course of a person ’ s life and that has always been my goal in becoming an teacher ,” says Christian .
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