G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n
Hello Laguna Niguel !
Spring is known as the season of new beginnings , and I am excited for the many opportunities that this year will bring to create new and everlasting memories as a community . The Spring 2022 Recreation Brochure showcases these new opportunities through the many exciting programs and activities that are scheduled for you throughout 2022 . All of these events , programs and activities are intended to provide you with a renewed opportunity to connect and engage with family , friends , neighbors , and your local government .
Additionally , I want to assure you that keeping the community well-informed continues to be a top priority . It is for this reason that the City of Laguna Niguel utilizes various communication channels to provide the most up-to-date information on community events , projects , and useful resident and business resources .
A Message from
City Manager Tamara Letourneau
I encourage you to follow the City ’ s social media platforms on Facebook , Twitter , Nextdoor , and Instagram as an effective communication option to stay informed and connected . The City ’ s official social media platforms provide residents with the great opportunity to engage with the City and with other Laguna Niguel residents . I also invite you to sign up for the City ’ s ‘ Notify Me ’ news updates at
www . cityoflagunaniguel . org / list . aspx . By subscribing to ‘ Notify Me ’, you ’ ll conveniently receive important updates regarding City news and events of your choosing , all direct to your email inbox .
I am happy to present you with this Spring 2022 Recreation Brochure , which was created with the intention of keeping all community members active , engaged and connected . I hope that this guide serves as a convenient resource for you and your loved ones , and that you choose to participate in a program , activity , class , or special event that is being offered over the coming months . There is truly something for everyone and I hope to see you at one of the upcoming community events !
Laguna Niguel City Council
Elaine Gennawey , Mayor Sandy Rains , Mayor Pro Tem Kelly Jennings , Council Member Fred Minagar , Council Member Rischi Paul Sharma , Council Member
Welcome to the City of Laguna Niguel ' s Spring 2022 Recreation Brochure !
This will be your one-stop-shop for fun , education , and resources . We are committed to ensuring that our community members have everything they need to maintain healthy lives , grow meaningful relationships , and continue to have fun ! Check out the classes offered at the beautiful new Crown Valley Community Center !
Visit :
1 ) CityofLagunaNiguel . org / Registration 2 ) Create a free online account 3 ) Add classes to your cart & check out *
* Non-refundable service fees apply . Table of Contents General Information 1-3
City & COVID-19 Information 4 Community News 5-6
Special Events 7-18 Volunteer Opportunities 13 Youth Development 19-28 Skatepark & Aquatics Information 29-32 Teen / Adult Programs 33 Dog Services 34-35 Adult / Senior Programs 35-42 Registration Information 44-46