Spring 2023 Magazine | Page 45

Covid 19 ; Henry Kang ’ s Experience by Hannah Xiao

Covid has had a great impact on all of us and we ’ ve all been through a lot . Quarantine and Covid 19 tests have already become something normal . It ’ s also a relief that Covid is finally becoming something from our pasts . I ’ ve interviewed a 7th grader , Henry Kang , on how he thinks this disease has affected his and his family ’ s life .

Henry ’ s parents run a restaurant , and Covid has certainly had an impact on it . “ Covid-19 has affected my life by my father ’ s restaurant , which has earned less money , and that makes use all have a difficult time . When it was 2019 , I was actually super afraid of getting Covid , but as soon as the time passed I was not afraid anymore . In 2023 , finally my father was able to get back to work and start earning money for our family .” As you can see , he and his parents have gone through some trouble with Covid . His parents ’ restaurant has had less money coming in which is very tragic . It ’ s good that they ’ re getting back on track .
Covid has been a terrifying experience and we hope it ’ ll go away soon . People are starting to be more careful , and it ’ s paying off finally . Henry Kang and the restaurant have had a true journey from Covid .