Because my six children all attended college out West , for a number of years , my wife and I regularly drove east on I-94 after taking a child to , visiting a child at , or retuning with a child from college . At a certain place east of the Black Hills , my wife almost always took a deep breath , exhaled , and said something like , “ Now we are home ” or “ I can breathe again .” Having lived in the Dakotas almost all her life , she is only home on the plains . The Rocky Mountains of the West and the lush forests of the South make her feel claustrophobic . Yet I , and many people , love the rugged mountains and all they have to offer . Having lived many years in the South , I also love the abundant green trees , vines , and plants found there .
Our nation ’ s landscape is diverse – spectacular coastlines , great lakes , meandering rivers , dense swamps , rolling hills , vast plains , expansive deserts , and high mountain ranges . Each landscape has its distinct beauty , and each landscape offers different natural resources , habitats for animals , agricultural and industrial benefits , and recreational opportunities . That diversity is one of the things that makes our nation great . Each landscape adds to the beauty and success of our nation .
The same is true of the state bar . Each member of the bar is different , both in personality and in the location , size , and area of practice . It is that diversity that makes the state bar great , it is that diversity that meets the needs of North Dakota citizens , businesses , agencies , and political subdivisions .
The bar is like a beautiful tapestry of multiple , delicate , and distinctly colored strands of wool woven together to create a beautiful picture or design . Each uniquely colored and positioned strand is essential to create the stunning picture or design . It is only because of the strands ’ uniqueness and interconnectedness that the spectacular picture or design emerges . Similarly , each individual bar member is critical to assure North Dakota citizens , businesses , agencies , and political subdivisions are provided the quality legal services they deserve .
The State Bar Association of North Dakota is not just a statewide organization created to promote justice and to serve the lawyers and the people of North Dakota . It is a statewide organization of “ lawyers ;” it is us – each of us and all of us .
We are the State Bar Association of North Dakota . Each of us is a distinct and important strand in the bar ’ s tapestry . Each of us compliments and helps complete the bar ’ s inspiring picture or design . Each of us contributes to the overall success of the association and the promotion of justice when we improve the quality of legal services we provide , when we consciously and consistently demonstrate civility in our practice , when we unfailingly follow the letter and spirit of the applicable ethical rules , and when we selflessly serve in our communities .
Thank you for the quality legal service you provide to North Dakota citizens . Thank you for your significant and generous volunteer work in your communities . Thank you for making the practice of law in North Dakota enjoyable , rewarding , and professionally satisfying .
Thank you for being the State Bar Association of North Dakota .
Call for CLE Speakers
SBAND and the North Dakota CLE Commission sponsor seminars and programs throughout the year in all sorts of formats , including live , webinars , and IVNs .
We want to know about SBAND members who have ideas for topics or who are interested in being a presenter .
Contact Carrie Molander at carrie @ sband . org .
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