Provide input on policy standards of practice and procedures to CCSF and prime contractors working on CCSF projects
Chapter 14B ’ s Mission of equity , inclusivity , and LBE business development
Assess LBE ’ s strengths , weaknesses , threats , and opportunities to create a strategic development plan
Implementation of strong policy framework and practices for realizing inclusivity goals
Implement for LBEs task-driven , assessment-based training and capacity-building skills development framework
Deliver technical assistance , internal and external resources to support LBE capacity building
Elements of the CCSF / MWIS “ Collaborative Ecosystem ” to Support Local Business Enterprise Engagement
Innovative options for project delivery ( CM / GC , design-build , set asides )
Empowerment of departments to engage small and diverse subcontractors on City projects
Position LBE to access collateral support for bonds and / or contract financing
Contract Monitoring Division providing expert assistance to LBEs and CCSF in support of 14B
Advocate for LBE during the project and business cycle
Risk Management ’ s activities in bond and insurance matters to facilitate LBE contracting with CCSF
CAPP funds are provided in 30-day increments to match the progress payment cycle under City contracts . Then , as contract progress payments are requested by the LBEs and processed by the project owners or prime contractors , the payments are directed to the SFCIF escrow account until the CAPP funds are fully reimbursed .
The CAPP funds are made available through the San Francisco Community Investment Fund ( SFCIF ) and a specific escrow account . As a condition to participating in the CAPP , LBEs agree to funds administration and third-party payroll administration . The CAPP is able to provide up to $ 250,000 per LBE per project , and is limited to projects lasting no more than 12 months . The goal of the CAPP is to provide liquidity until LBEs can cash flow projects on their own from mobilization through closeout . The cost of the CAPP funding is just 1 % of the total CAPP funds deployed , plus 4 % annual interest . The CAPP fee and interest expense are reconciled at full reimbursement and closeout , and are considered a direct job cost – meaning that they are passed on to the project owner or prime , just as is done for the cost of bond premiums .
How the CAPP Works : Qualifying for the CAPP begins with LBEs enrolling in the Contractor Development Program , which provides technical assistance and support services to address business challenges from a financial , operational , and customer needs standpoint . This ongoing assistance may coincide with a one-onone , preliminary introduction to the Contractor Accelerated Payment Program . Ideally , the CDP and the CAPP will interview a LBE before the identification and award of a contract , in order to provide training and support in developing the LBE ’ s business knowledge and skills .
The technical assistance offered by the CDP includes estimating , accounting services , project management / construction management , startup services , and marketing . For the CAPP , the LBE is informed that the CAPP is a project-specific working capital loan for qualified City and County
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