When being shipped the wrong part from an overseas manufacturer paired with the global pandemic-related shipping delay created an invoicing dilemma , the SFPUC Purchaser and the CDP / CAPP staff proactively assisted BAPE in working out a solution . The CDP has provided guidance and support with marketing and LBE certification and as the company continues to grow , can provide assistance with strategic planning , contract review , cash flow projection , bidding as a prime or sub for fabrication and for any needed safety training . Even though all communications and meetings to-date have been conducted virtually , mainly through Zoom , Mara shares , “ We ’ ve been struck by
everyone ’ s sincerity and have definitely felt a strong sense of camaraderie and that we ’ re all part of a team .”
BAPE ’ s expertise , flexibility and resourcefulness are reflected in the company ’ s ongoing success and long-term goals . “ We are currently collaborating with larger contractors on projects at Mission Rock and U . C . Berkeley ,” says Josh . “ For Mission Rock , we color coded the concrete inserts for faster system identification at install , saving the mechanical contractor time and money . On the U . C . Berkeley project , we were contracted with supplying water heaters for all their housing and noticed that each
PRV station prefabrication by BAPE , Inc . for mechanical contractor