On November 3 , 2021 , Alameda County ’ s Contractor Technical Assistance Program ( CTAP ) conducted a District 3 Construction Outreach Workshop . District 3 Supervisor Wilma Chan had originally been scheduled to provide the welcome and introduction to this event , but shortly prior to the event start time , CTAP staff learned of her tragic and untimely death (
read a Tribute to Supervisor Wilma Chan ). District 3 includes the cities of San Leandro , Alameda , and a portion of Oakland – including Jack London , Chinatown , Fruitvale , Melrose , San Antonio , and Havenscourt ; it also includes the unincorporated areas of Hayward Acres , San Lorenzo , and a portion of Ashland .
Moderated by Bernida Reagan , Director of Client and Community Relations for CTAP administrator Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services , the virtual event was intended to encourage smaller , minority and diverse bidders on County projects , and to provide information about contracting opportunities in District 3 . Representatives from CTAP ,
Alameda County General Services Agency ( GSA ),
Alameda County Public Works Agency ( ACPWA ) and
Hello Housing discussed upcoming construction opportunities , the new
Bright In Your Own Backyard County program , the
Enhanced Construction Outreach Program ( ECOP ), and resources for small , local and diverse contractors .
During the event , Kimberly Gasaway , Interim Executive Director at GSA , presented current and upcoming project opportunities ; ACPWA ’ s Principal Engineer David Lau and GSA ’ s Contract Compliance Officer Joan Quillio reviewed the County ’ s Project Stabilization / Community Benefits Agreement ( PS / CBA ) and Enhanced Construction Outreach Program ( ECOP ), which apply to the County ’ s larger projects ; Hello Housing ADU Senior Construction Project Manager Rachel Ginis presented a new County program , Bright In Your Own Backyard , which is administered by Hello Housing . Information was also presented on how to access the many support services offered to small , local and diverse contractors via Alameda County ’ s Contractor Technical Assistance Program . The Outreach workshop can be viewed below .