Spring 2021 Gavel | Page 4




First and foremost , thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve and represent the attorneys of North Dakota by serving as president of the State Bar Association of North Dakota ( SBAND ) this past year . Looking back , I realize all my articles have focused on “ survival ” and well-being during a pandemic . We have focused on not only how to take care of our clients , but how to take care of ourselves so we can better care for the business around us . I hope this article finds you and your practices thriving . This past year has been an adventure , and it is my hope we are all stronger for it .
Rather than focus on the “ missed opportunities ” of 2020 , I want to share some of the things we have been working on this past year . SBAND worked closely with the Supreme Court and our local district courts to ensure the needs of the Court and practitioners were met , largely by providing as much information as possible . We have done our best to disseminate the everchanging information relating to practicing law during these unprecedented times , while fielding and addressing concerns from our members . Your board of governors and committee and section members continued to work to further the mission of SBAND .
SBAND conducted a membership survey in 2020 that we have referred to throughout the year to assess the needs of our legal communities . The survey showed an overwhelming desire by our members to address the need to provide pro bono
4 THE GAVEL services . I truly believe the pro bono work being done is underreported , and attorneys are providing pro bono services without reporting them . To better assess the hours attorneys are contributing , we have added a link on sband . org for easy reporting . I would encourage anyone providing free or reduced fee services to take the time to regularly report your hours .
I would also encourage you to evaluate the hours you donate and invite you to find a way to provide free or reduced fee services if you are able . The highest call for assistance is with family law cases . If you are not able to take on a family law case from start to finish , be reminded you might be able to provide immediate assistance under our Limited Scope Representation rule , allowing you to handle any part of a case on a limited basis , such as preparing pleadings and briefs to be filed by a self-represented party . Once that work is done , your obligation to the client ceases .
Another primary focus for SBAND during 2020 deals with health insurance benefits for our members . Health insurance is a big part of the affordability equation that all private practitioners and self-employed people must consider . We have spent a lot of time gathering information , weighing the pros and cons , and trying to figure out if there is a health care plan in which SBAND members could participate . While we continue to explore our options , I would invite anyone with expertise or information regarding such an arrangement to reach out to Tony Weiler or me . If we find a viable option for our members , we will reach out to gauge the interest in participating in such a program .
SBAND has put on a record number of CLE ’ s during the past year and continues to find ways to ensure our members have the tools and information needed to practice effectively . Last summer , the board of governors made the very difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Annual Meeting and instead provided virtual CLE opportunities . The virtual CLEs were well attended and provided relevant information .
Since the cancellation of last year ’ s annual meeting , we have mastered Zoom meetings , electronic surveys , and all other things necessary to continue to operate and represent the interests of our members as seamlessly as possible . A special thank you to Tony and his staff for their efforts this past year . They are the reason our organization has been able to continue to move forward and have a positive impact in our communities .
As convenient as the CLEs were last year , I am very excited about the upcoming “ in-person ” annual meeting taking place in Grand Forks on June 16-18 . Our speakers are being finalized and are sure to provide relevant information that will benefit all attendees . As much as the annual meeting is about fulfilling our CLE requirements , I am excited to be able to meet with our members in person . I cannot wait to socialize with all of you and to have some return to normalcy after the past year . I hope you can fit the annual meeting into your schedule this summer .
To the board of governors , thank you for your service to the board and to the profession . The commitment all of you have in working to see that SBAND meets the needs of our members has not gone unnoticed . You have had to make difficult decisions and attend additional meetings this past year so we can continue to accomplish our goals . Please know you are appreciated .
It is hard to believe my year as president is nearing its end . It has been a busy , fun , and educational experience . Thank you for the opportunity .