Spring 2021 edition | Page 48

P a ge 48 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 2

USCG Auxiliary District 5 NR USCG Station Histories Continued

Beach Patrol
There has been a long tradition of a beach patrol between the lifeboat stations along the coast . The peacetime mission was to observe everything within the range of vision and protect life and property at sea . Practically all stations had a watchtower that was continuously manned for the same purpose . With the declaration of war in December 1941 , steps were taken to double the patrols at most of these posts . In north Jersey , the use of the TR ’ s was quite successful in the coastal lookouts rather than actual patrolling along the beach . This was due to the fact that there were major highways running parallel to the beach and the areas that were of densely populated Along with the station watchtower , the Coast Guard built additional coastal lookout towers at strategic locations . Watches were monotonous but every activity had to be observed and recorded . If something irregular was seen , headquarters needed to be notified . Shifts were normal 6 hours in length . Both Shark River and Manasquan operated in this manner . By the September 1944 , the need for the TR ’ s as coastal lookouts came to an end as the lifeboat stations reverted to their normal peacetime status .
September 1944 Hurricane
A destructive hurricane roared northward over the Atlantic Ocean on 14 September 1944 . The probable course of the storm had been plotted by the Weather Bureau so in most locations there was ample time to warn the public . In the 3rd District , low lying coastal areas were evacuated and small craft were checked and secured as much as possible , Regular Coast Guardsmen and TR ’ s assisted crews of vessels tied up at wharves in handling extra lines . The north Jersey shore suffered major damage but out of the disaster came a new respect for the Temporary Reserves . All worked long hours securing moorings , recovering drifting craft , evacuating and rendering first aid to victims , salvaging and guarding property and countless other tasks necessary to restore and maintain order . Reports out of the 3rd District relative to the hurricane stress the fact regular crews of the lifeboat stations were augmented by a substantial number of TR ’ s who worked effectively and efficiently along with the regulars in performance of all tasks brought on by the storm .
Continued on the next page …