t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 2 P a ge 10
Coast Guard Auxiliary Aircraft included in Museum ’ s Collection .
by William “ Bill ” Fithian , DSO-AV - District 5NR
A local Coast Guard Auxiliarist has been on a mission at Naval Air Station Wildwood ( NASW ) Aviation Museum in Cape May , NJ , to help restore an old Coast Guard Auxiliary airplane in the museum ’ s Coast Guard Exhibit . The NASW Aviation Museum , known for its World War II and other wartime memorabilia and artifacts has dedicated a portion of the museum to feature the Coast Guard , and Commodore Joe Giannattasio has ensured that the Auxiliary , the volunteer component of the Coast Guard , is well represented .
William “ Bill ” Fithian District Staff Officer - AV
The exhibit features a donated Cessna 150 aircraft that was actually the same airplane Giannattasio first learned to fly , and flown for several years . “ It was an early goal of mine to bring Auxiliary aviation to the museum for visitors to learn and enjoy ,” Giannattasio , an Auxiliary qualified co-pilot , said , explaining why the plane was restored with formal Auxiliary markings for the museum . He acquired official Coast Guard Auxiliary decals plus designed and painted the traditional paint scheme with direction and help by Tony Valenti , the museum ’ s preparator and a Veteran Marine .
Auxiliary Aviation ( AUXAIR ) is an Auxiliary operational program . General aviation aircraft and civilian pilots assisted the Coast Guard Auxiliary ‘ informally ’ during World War II . In September 1945 Congress passed a law that allowed owners of aircraft eligibility for membership in the Auxiliary . All Auxiliary aircraft meet strict Coast Guard and Federal Aviation Administration requirements and annual inspections .
“ Restoring the aircraft has been a personally rewarding experience ,” said Commodore Giannattasio ; “ but my real goal isn ’ t personal fulfillment . It ’ s about increasing public awareness of the various missions conducted by the Auxiliary and the numerous ways our members support the Coast Guard .”
Museum preparator Tony Valenti trims aircraft graphics . ( Photo by AUX Joe Giannattasio )
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