Spring 2021 Blue Umbrella Spring 2021 issue | Page 16

The Set t l er s o f CATAN :

A Game Wo r t h Tr ying

By Chloe P .
? Catan ? is a fun , family-friendly board game of knights and robbers , trading and building , and a race to the finish . Although it usually takes at least an hour to finish , it is so worth it ! You won ? t even notice the time fly by ! Players compete to dominate the trade , stockpile resources , expand their borders , and eventually become the Master of Catan by earning 10 victory points . But dominating ? Catan ? isn ? t easy ! A dreaded Robber lurks along the highways , looking to steal your resources . Knights can drive the Robber away , but your opponents may choose to chase the Robber into your territory !
The ? Catan : Family Edition ? is a much simpler setup that requires less planning and less strategy than the original , making it perfect for the younger members of the family . However , because there isn ? t as much

16 variability , this edition is not as exciting for the older members after multiple game plays .

The original ? Catan ? takes a little more effort than the family version to play well , but the promise of an unique experience with each play is worth it . With 20 terrain hexes that can be placed in any order , this can be a game where no two boards look the same ! Also , this is the game base required for all of the ? extension packs ,? meaning that you can explore anything from ? Cities and Knights ? to ? Explorers and Pirates .?
Overall , ? Catan ? is a game of strategy and luck that is fun for the whole family . Whether you choose to enjoy these versions as they are , or the original version coupled with an expansion pack , I would definitely recommend this game series for Family Night .