Spring 2020 Gavel 268650 SBAND Gavel Magazine_web | Page 5

SBAND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TRYING TIMES BRING OUT STRENGTHS IN PROFESSION TONY J. WEILER SBAND Executive Director Do trying times make us stronger, or do they cause more harm? These are certainly trying times for lawyers, the bench, and those we serve in our great state. It’s often difficult to write articles based on “current” events when you know what you write won’t be published for a month or so. In our era of instant information, what is written today is often out of date by the next day! SBAND faced the same challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic as our members and those we work closely with on a daily or weekly basis. We are a small staff of five employees, with one part-time staff person that pitched in during the crisis. We shut the office to the public but had one staff member here each day to answer phones and deal with the mail. The rest of the time, we worked from home in an attempt to make sure you didn’t see any disruption or changes in the services we offer you as members. Like some of you, some of us are parents who had to manage not only working from home, but also assisting our children with distance learning. Those are challenges none of us had planned for, but once we put a plan into place, the staff and I went to work to make sure it was the best solution possible. One problem with working from home is that it doesn’t “translate” well for every employee. Some don’t have the correct equipment at home to do so, and the work they do can’t always be done from a computer. That’s why working one day in the office was instrumental for all of us to get work done that we couldn’t do from home, or take home, on a weekly basis. We also heard from many of our members about how they planned to keep working and their need to do so. Some went to court every single day, and their clients still needed legal services. Others had clients whose legal needs and issues didn’t just stop in the face of the pandemic, and they needed to hear from their lawyer and have their legal needs met as well. For that, I thank you for making a difference for our profession and the citizens of the state. One positive that came out of this for SBAND is that we really HEARD from you about how we could help, how we could be more nimble, and how we could still do the work that we do with as little disruption as possible. Further, we were able to provide your comments and concerns to the North Dakota Supreme Court anonymously, and the Court answered many of those questions and addressed many of your concerns. As a bar, we have to appreciate the courts taking into account our concerns and addressing those in a timely manner. On another note, we pay attention to the number of licensed North Dakota lawyers. Much of that has to do with the fact we are a unified bar and every licensed lawyer is a member. We also do so in an effort to keep a handle on where our numbers could be heading. Currently, we have just under 3,000 licensed North Dakota lawyers, and finished 2019 with 3,101, the highest year end number on record. One thing that this tells us is, the practice of law in our great state is alive and well, and notwithstanding the recent pandemic, it is our belief lawyers in North Dakota will continue to thrive! SPRING 2020 5