SBAND President
A fallacy of our society is only those “born”
to be leaders can lead. Such a premise is
un-American, and I reject it. While it is true
some will lead in more prominent positions,
we are all leaders to one degree or another.
While there are times to follow, there are
times to lead.
What does it take to be a leader? I believe
important components are the realization of
a need, the desire to address the identified
need, and action to address the need. The first
two are no problem for us! We are all pretty
good at identifying needs and problems. In
fact, we’re experts. And most of us are pretty
good at wanting to “do something” about
a need we identify. We may find ourselves
pondering solutions in our head (I do this).
But not as many of us take the next step:
action. I encourage you to act.
Lawyers are better adapted to act.
Remember, you spent at least seven years of
your adult life in higher education before
becoming a lawyer. Why? The answer will
vary. But many of us became lawyers because
we thought we could make a difference.
Some of us, including myself, really did not
understand how well positioned lawyers are
to actually make a difference. The type of
action may not be marching down an avenue
with a megaphone in hand. In fact, I’d
suggest the most effective type of leadership
is impacting those around us.
Leadership takes many forms. One area
is helping those around us. How much
time does it take to call a person you know
is struggling? Probably less time than
thinking about the pros and cons of calling
that person! I’m too busy. It’s none of my
business. They created their own problem.
I’ve got this obligation. I might cause more
harm. Maybe. If you identify a need for
someone in your sphere of influence, think
of a way to address the need and then act on
it. Being a leader is someone who identifies
an issue, formulates a possible solution, and
then acts. This is true in the most complex
situations, and it is true in the simplest
I realized a need at our state’s law school. I
worked with others to develop a plan, and
we acted. It appears our state’s law school
is going to receive much needed additional
funding. Funding to restore a clinical
education program, hire additional faculty
and staff, and put the school back on the
track to regional respectability. Sure, I’m
president of the bar and that’s “my job.” But
this formula for leadership applies to you too.
This is my last column as president. I have
been blessed to lead our association. I’m just
a regular civil trial attorney who is trying
my best for my clients, my firm, my family,
and the list goes on. I encourage you to
get involved in a need you have identified,
thought over, and want to do something
about. It is time we deconstructed what
leadership really is. Leaders are just regular
people who have decided to be involved by
offering a solution they believe in.
Call for CLE Speakers
SBAND and the North Dakota CLE Commission sponsor seminars
and programs throughout the year in all sorts of formats, including
live, webinars, and IVNs.
We want to know about SBAND members who have ideas for topics
or who are interested in being a presenter.
Contact Carrie Molander at [email protected].