On Monday 5th March 2018, staff and students left Limehurst Academy, very excited about their trip to PGL’s
Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire. From the energy echoing around the bus it was obvious this was going to be a
fun packed trip. On arrival we were greeted in the usual PGL style with our very helpful and enthusiastic group
leader, Adam.
After settling into our accommodation we were taken on a tour of the site. After lunch students got straight into
the first activities which included Zip Wire, Challenge Course and Giants Swing. Students approached these
activities with enthusiasm and worked well as a team. Some students managed to conquer their fear of heights
on the Zip Wire, with a little encouragement from their peers, and felt a huge sense of achievement after
showing such great resilience, this was brilliant to see. The afternoon was finished off with a campfire, where
staff and students sang songs, told stories and learnt about fire safety in the countryside, this was a really nice
activity to end the first day of the trip.
On Tuesday students woke really excited about the activities that were planned for the day ahead. This included
Raft Building, Archery, Trapeze and Orienteering. Some ended up a little wet following the testing of their rafts
however others were more successful and managed to remain dry while paddling across the lake. The Trapeze
proved to be a test of willpower and bravery for many. A number of students flew to the top of the Trapeze pole
in a fearless fashion and some managed to scramble up as high as they could, overcoming their fear of heights,
this was fantastic to see. In the evening students participated in a very tactical game of Ambush with both staff
and students working together to find other teams hidden in the woods, great fun was had by all.
Wednesday was a busy morning of orienteering and climbing. During the climbing session students learnt how
to correctly use a harness, belay a rope and climb in a safe manor. When students had participated in their last
activity we played games on the lawn outside the court house before lunch and our departure.
Both PGL and Limehurst staff were impressed with the students “have a go” and daring attitude, as well as the
teamwork and encouragement provided by all students to those who were a little more fearful of certain activi-
ties. Some students enjoyed more of a leadership role throughout the trip and showed excellent communication
and teamwork skills, well done!
A huge well done and thank you to all of the students involved in the Year 8 PGL Trip to Caythope Court 2018 on
behalf of the Limehurst Academy staff, you were amazing!!!
Year 11s will be taking their final GCSE exams this term and Year 10s will have mock exams at the End
of June in preparation for their final exams next year.
The Examinations section of the website has important information such as the summer timetable,
rules and regulations pertaining to exams including our internal appeals procedure for controlled
assessments and non-exam assessments.
We have also produced a booklet that can help you as a parent/guardian support your child during
this busy period. You can view this here.
Students must follow the guidance that was issued earlier in the year. But as a reminder the basics to
remember are:
Arrive on time & in school uniform;
Leave mobile phones/smart watches at home or at reception;
Have a clear pencil case with a black pen, pencil, eraser, ruler and any other relevant equipment;
If a calculator is allowed, the lid must be taken off and kept in your bag;
If a maths set is allowed, equipment must be in a clear pencil case – metal tins are not allowed.
Listen to instructions from members of staff.
Year 11 students have been given their individual exam timetable and will receive a second copy after
Easter with rooms and seat numbers. On days when your child does not have an exam, they will be
expected to attend school as usual.
Please encourage your child to attend revision sessions that teachers have arranged during lunch
and after school and to also study independently. And if your child needs help to ask his/her subject
teachers. If you have any exam related queries, please feel free to contact Miss Narsing.
Exams not only affects Year 10s & 11s but the whole school. All students can help by:
If your classroom is being used for exams, you will be allocated an alternative. Make sure you
know where you are meant to be;
Look out for ‘Exams in Progress’ signs and making sure you move through the school quietly &
respect members of staff asking you to be quiet - REMEMBER IT COULD BE YOU TAKING AN
Good Luck to all those taking exams this Summer!
Miss V Narsing
Examinations Officer
Achievement in a Caring Environment
Achievement in a Caring Environment