Spring 2018 SPRING 2018

LIMEHURST TIMES SPRING TERM 2018 Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to our end-of-term newsletter. As I look out of the window at (yet another) snowy scene in the middle of March, I am wondering whether it is appropriate to call this our Spring Term newsletter! Elsewhere in this newsletter, I have written a piece for you on the factors that I have to consider when deciding whether or not to close the school in inclement weather. We decided to stay open on Friday 2nd March, when a number of schools around the county were closed. Taking that decision on whether to close the school is one of the hardest that a Headteacher makes. It is an unfortunate sign of the times that, whichever decision is made, some parents find it appropriate to use social media to condemn the school using language such as “shocking” or “disgusting”. I would urge all parents to show restraint and respect when commenting on any such forums about the school. I can assure you that, whether you agree with a decision or not, I only ever take such a decision having very carefully considered the best interests of the school, its students and its staff. Our term dates for next year, 2018-19, were first published to you in the newsletter twelve months ago. They are in line with those of our feeder primary schools, which should benefit those of you with children in more than one school, but they do differ from Leicestershire County Council. The local schools collectively took the decision to amend the term dates because we felt that the Council’s suggested dates were not conducive to quality learning. For instance, one half-term was nine weeks long, yet another was just 19 days. Leicestershire County Council are currently consulting in future term dates, and I would urge you to have your say. You can find the details elsewhere in the newsletter. This will be the last newsletter that parents of our Year 11 will read before the commencement of the main GCSE exam season next term, and I would like to thank you for your support. We are determined to build on last year’s results, which showed Limehurst to be the highest achieving school in Loughborough and North Charnwood. The students are working so hard, as are our wonderful staff. Although there are additional classes running during the Easter holidays, it is also very important that everyone concerned uses the time to take a break. Finally, a reminder that we finish at 3.00pm on Friday 23rd March. I wish all staff, students and their families a peaceful and relaxing holiday, and I look forward to seeing you on the first day of term, Monday 9th April. Yours sincerely Jonathan Mellor Headteacher Achievement in a Caring Environment