Seminar have provided significant funding
for SBAND and the section,” says Shaft.
“In turn, the Section has been able to offer
financial assistance to many bar-related
In addition, the Title Standard Committee
has worked under the Section’s umbrella.
“The Title Standards Committee is one
of SBAND’s most active committees,
publishing and revising the Title Standards
volume on an annual basis,” he says. “The
North Dakota Title Standards volume
is an indispensable resource for most of
North Dakota’s practicing bar.”
Mentoring young lawyers has also been
a highlight of his involvement with the
RPPT Section, says Shaft. “For young
lawyers, I would encourage them to
strive to have a courteous and respectful
relationship with their peers,” he says.
“For those pursuing a law degree, I would
encourage them to seek out an area of
practice that they will enjoy, rather than
what might provide only the greatest
financial reward. Finding a balance
between work and your personal life is
He encourages all lawyers to look for ways
to get involved in their community of
professionals. “Without some involvement
in SBAND, the practice could be isolating
to some degree. It would have been
difficult for me to have found success in
my practice over the past 30 years without
having the contacts and resources that have
resulted from my SBAND involvement.
It is a great way to give something back to
the profession.”
“Membership on the Title Standards
Committee has been one of the highlights
of my career,” he continues. “It has been
an opportunity to share and discuss issues
related to real estate law with some of
the best practitioners in the state. It’s a
dedicated committee that works hard and
is very active.”
Shaft says he has enjoyed working
alongside many talented colleagues. “I have
had the opportunity to work with so many
outstanding lawyers who have generously
given their time and talent toward the
greater good of the practicing bar. Many
have become close friends,” he notes. “I
also need to mention how great it has
been working with the SBAND staff and
leadership over the years. People such as
Carrie Molander and her colleagues have
been a large part of the RPPT Section’s
“It is very important for me to make
special mention of the Section members
who have also been members of the
Title Standards committee,” he adds.
“Robert Stroup and Bob Wefald, as
former chairmen of the Title Standards
Committee, and Paul Hubbard and Jim
Schlosser, as former chairmen of the Real
Property, Probate and Trust Section. Also,
Dave Wanner, Harrison Barnes, John
Shaft, Nevin Van de Streek, Phil Johnson,
Malcolm Brown, and Bob Johnson are
all very long-term members of the Title
Standards Committee. These individuals
provided leadership in the Section prior to
and during my time with the Section.”
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