How did you get the idea of photographing aircraft and pin ups? I have been doing photography for quite sometime while trying to build my professional portfolio and have always had the desire to do something like Wings of Angels but never had the time to go on site and locate the planes. After learning that my grandfather was a World War II veteran, and had passed away before I got the opportunity to really hear his stories. I wanted to give something back to honor not only his service to our country but also to his memory and those of other service men and women who sacrificed everything to serve their country. I did some research into the nose art that people are familiar with on the sides of the aircraft and thought that would make a perfect collaboration of what I wanted to achieve in blending great aircraft and models together that would be interesting for people to look at and get a sense of what I was trying to accomplish. How you choose to match a model to an airplane? There are certain looks with certain paint schemes that will enhance the models looks. I start out with the plane first and look at what the colors are on each of the plane , the type of plane used, what branch of service type did that plane take part in, army, air force, etc. Then I look at what model would look best photographed against the plane as not only a backdrop but also as a model itself. I want to bring out the best in the features of not only the plane being featured but also of the model herself. Everything is configured to give the viewer a sense of the perfect marriage between the plane and the model as if they truly belonged together in the pictures. Do you plan your photos or let you take the inspiration of the moment? I do take into consideration the type of shots I am going to take due to the preconceived ideas in my head that I write down, along with about four absolute shots I need to get. It makes it easier to know what look I am trying to achieve so that I can plan and gather my props to take to the shoot with me. I would hate to get out there and realize I left a critical piece of what I wanted to use at home so it does take some advance planning to get the idea in my head to come across in the photographs you see. Once I am on location and have the shots I wanted to take completed, then I let my creativity take over. When it comes down to percentages, I would have to say it’s about 70% planned and 30% happen on their own. In your opinion how important is the talent and how the skills in this field? When it comes to photographing the models, I believe that are always exceptions to the rules. However, I have had the opportunity to work with both inexperienced and experienced models and there are some challenges to overcome with each. With inexperienced models they need to understand hand placement, facial looks, posing that are different for a pin-up look that is far different from someone who is used to modern model posing. Those experienced models that are used to posing for vintage photographs are easier to work with because they understand the look I’m already trying to achieve. However there are some variables that even an experienced model would find challenging in climbing inside cockpits, d V??rv?F?W?G&V?R?VB??F?R?WF?7W&f6W2?bF?Rv??w2??BWfV?F?RWfW"&W6V?Bv??G2F?B?gFV?66????VB6??R?b???6F???6???G2??N( ?2FVf???FR?V&???r&?6W72F?B??R6??WfW"&RF??&W&VBF?FV?v?F?BF??W2?'WB??W2F?V?FVf???FV??V??&&?R??&7&gB??F?w&??&V6??W2'BF???2F?F?R??FV??"f?6RfW'6?&WGvVV?F?R??FV??BF?R?&7&gBF?W&R?27??&??F?2&V?F???6?????rF?RGv????R?'f??W6?6?( ?B?fR??Rv?F??WBF?R?F?W"??F????F?R??FV?2FVf???FV????fbF?R??R?BFWV?F??r??F?R?????bF?R??R?B??FV???BF?RV?V?V?G2&R'V??B??F?F?R6??B?F?W?6????V?B??R??F?W"?F?W&R&R6W'F??V??Rv??v?BF?6VR???F?R??R??F?R6??B?BF?V?F?W&R&RF??6RF?B???v?BF?6VR&?F?F?vWF?W"?6??G'?F???R&?F?w&?W26??FV?B?F?B?2v????Rv???6VR&?F?G?W2?b?7GW&W2??F?Rv??w2?b?vV?2&?????&V?WfR?G26F?6f?VBF?R?VVG2&?F?v?F?v?B??fR66???6?VB??2F?W&R??R??^( ?fR?WfW"??F?w&?VB?B??Rv?V?B??RF???F?w&???W2F?R?3?????????rf?'v&BF?6???F??rF?R?3?v&&?&B?v?F???rv?F???fRG&"??B66?V?R???fR??G2?bw&VB?FV2f?"v?B?v?BF?6??WfR??6???F??rF??2??R???fR&VV?G'V?f?'GV?FRF?&R&?RF?6??WfRF?R??F?w&?2??fRv?F?6??R????r??W22vV??2??FV?2?F?W&R?2??v?F?FW67&?&Rv?B?BfVV?2??RF?7GV??6?B??6?FR6??R?bF?W6Rw&VB?6???W2?BvWB6V?6R?bv?B???G2?b7F?&?W2F?W?v?V?B6?&R?bF?W?6?V?BF???B??W2?RBF??W2F?vWB6V?6Rf?"v?B?BfV?B??RF?f?F?W6R??W2GW&??rF?Rv"??N( ?2??FW67&?&&?R??B??FV???( ?fR6??R6??6RF?6???F??rF?Ff??FVW6R6?W?R?bF??W2?Bv?V?B??fR???'GV??G?F?6???B6??R?bF?R&?r??R6V?V'&?F?W2??R66&?WB????76????V??&F?F?6&???F?W?G'V??fRF?Rf??FvR????F?B?v?V?B??fRF?vWB??f????&?6??Bv??FR?"6???#???fRFV?FV?7?F??V???&RF?&?6??Bv??FR??F????&?6??Bv??FR?2??&R?b?'F?7F?2?????BfVV?F??B?B6???"FV?G2F?&R??&R?b??FW&?&V7&VF???????B?b??RF?R??B&?6??Bv??FR6?76?2??f?W2F?B&R6??v?&V??r6???&??VB?F?W&R?2f??FvRfVV?F?F?R6?76?2????fW'7W2F?R6???&??VB??FW&?fW'6????F?W&R?2??F?w&??2FV6???VRF?B??R&VfW#????F?w&???2FVf???FV?F?ffW&V?B?B?&V?WfRV??VR???fV?( ?B6VV?????Rv???2&VV?&?RF?6GW&RF?R?v?FV???rF?B??fR&VV?&?RF??????F?w&?2?6??RV??RG'?F?6??WfRF?B?GW&??v?F??r????W6??rv?B?2???f??&?RGW&??rF?V?"6??G2?v???R?6??6RF?WF???R?v?F??rF?7&VFRF?R?????BfVV?F?Bv?BF?6GW&R??V6???R??B????v??B7G??R??f?R7F???2v?V?B6GW&R?b??RvW&R??7GVF??6WB?v?BF?RgWGW&R???G2f?"??S???7W'&V?F???F?Rv?&?2v?F?Gv??F?W"&???2f????v??r??F?R?VV?2?bv??w2?b?vV?2???Rv?F?????v??Bv???W"?B6?VW6V6?R???W2?6??wVW72F?6???f??FvR?&6R?F?R6???2F?R??B??v&B?BWv&B???R?cER?B6?'6?#??v?W"F?Vr?GF?Ww2"?trf???rf?'G&W73??v?W"??7&??w2?"?W6WV????F?W"?&7&gB&RF?R&?W'G??b???2?"?W6WV??6????4??@??7?GFW'2?v???P???