SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 98

8 Post-performance incentives and subsidies
Incentives for Patents and IPR :
of implementation of the State Tax Laws , and as a
High-value-added ESDM manufacturing requires
result get embedded in the exports . The guiding
creation of Intellectual Property ( IPR ) which needs to
approach in formulation of such a scheme would be
be protected in the form of Patents , both in India as
that the state taxes do not get exported , as far as
Well as abroad . This is an activity that needs to be
practical .
actively encouraged so that Karnataka becomes a
Deemed export incentives ( for domestic sales ):
leader in IPR and knowledge economy , which in turn
For Sales within Karnataka of ESDM products , the
will result in significant commercial success . The
ESDM Units will be eligible for an incentive in the
target is to file 3000 domestic and 2000 international
form of interest free loan against the eligible gross
patents in ESDM by Karnataka ESDM Companies by
VAT under the Industrial Policy 2009 – 14 , For
2020 . The Government shall reimburse up to 50 % of
domestic Sales Outside Karnataka ( inter-state sales ),
the actual costs ( including filing fees , attorney fees ,
the State will reimburse 95 % of Central Sales Tax , till
search fees , maintenance fees ) with a maximum of
GST is implemented , paid by the eligible ESDM units
Rs 100,000 for filing a domestic patent and up to Rs
during the first 5 years of their operations .
500,000 for filing an international patent . This reimbursement shall be payable 75 % after the patent is filed and the balance 25 % after the patent has been granted . The patent filing incentives provided by Government of Karnataka shall be in addition to any existing scheme of Govt . of India .
Marketing incentives to Karnataka ESDM companies to expand in International markets
R & D Grant :
It is essential to encourage R & D investments in
ESDM so as to create a culture of innovation and IPR creation in Karnataka . The Karnataka Government shall give R & D grants in the form of reimbursement equaling up to 20 % of the actual R & D expenses
( including manpower Costs ) incurred annually by
Karnataka ESDM companies , subject to a maximum
For export promotion of ESDM products and building
of 2 % of their annual turnover . The R & D grant shall
brand equity of Karnataka ESDM companies as
be subject to a maximum of Rs . 1 Crore per company
credible players internationally , the Government
per year and shall be in addition to any similar
shall provide reimbursements of 50 % of the actual
benefits announced by the Government of lndia .
costs ( including travel ) incurred in international marketing , sales promotion , trade show participation , webinars , market research etc . by
Karnataka ESDM companies . This reimbursement will be subject to a maximum of Rs 10 Lakhs per year per Company .
Export incentives
Incentive for Capital Investment in CSDM Sector .
To attract investments in ESDM Sector , Government will provide up to 10 % capital subsidy or Rs .
50rores , whichever is lower to Karnataka ESDM companies ( both for ESDM manufacturing as well as
R & D units ) and will be given to the first two Anchor
Units in each Greenfield Cluster .
To overcome the large disability faced by the ESDM industry against global competitors , the Karnataka
State Government would formulate a Duty Drawback
Scheme ' in respect of the State Taxes that do not get
This will act as a strong pull factor for investors to set up their ESDM design , R & D and / or high-tech manufacturing facilities within the state .
refunded to the exporting units in the normal course
9 In addition to the above , fiscal incentives and concessions as per Karnataka Industrial Policy 2009-14 will be extended to ESDM units covered under this Policy
For Information and Assistance , please contact
Managing Director
Principal Secretary to Government Department of Information
Karnataka Biotechnology & Information Technology Services
Technology ,
BMTC Building , 4th Floor ( TTMC ' B ' Block-above Bus Stand )
Biotechnology and Science & Technology Government of Karnataka
Shanthinagar , Bangalore - 560027 . Karnataka , India .
6th Floor , 5th Stage , M . S . Building ,
Tel : + 91-80-22230109 Telefax : + 91-80-22231006 ,
Bangalore - 560 001 , Karnataka , India .
E-mail : mdkbits @ bangaloreitbt . in
Ph : + 91-80-22280562 / 2226 5943 , E-mail : itsec @ bangaloreitbt in
Visit www . bangaloreitbt . in
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