SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 94

Location assessment – ESDM cluster development in Odisha
Having estimated the resource requirement in the previous c . Rourkela ( Sundergarh district ) section , this section focuses on selection of appropriate d . Balasore locations that best satisfy resource requirements . This section e . Rayagada identifies and assesses the locations within Odisha that are ideal for establishing of ESDM clusters . In order to select the
Reaching out to investors and Branding : Rename Department target locations , the districts within the state were assessed on of IT as Department of Electronics & IT on the lines of the several parameters which are very important for the Government of India ’ s Department of Information Technology development of ESDM industry , including : being renamed as Department of Electronics & IT ( DeitY ) a . Proximity to major talent hubs
Constitute an ESDM specific nodal agency under the Department of Electronics & IT . The agency ’ s key functions and b . Availability of water resources responsibilities are given as underc . Presence of SEZs / STPIs / manufacturing clusters a ) Investment promotion & monitoring : Proactively contact d . Distance to ports / airport potential investors , and lies with them to attract investments in
e . Present industrial activity in the district ESDM as per the detailed investment plan in “ Investment f . Availability of minerals required ” section g . Other positive factors A SPoC ( single point of contact ) office to be created under the
On the basis of assessment on these parameters , following are nodal agency to handle and answer all queries and follow-up the top five locations that are being proposed for the with potential investors using the leads generated . Defined development of ESDM cluster . service levels for the office for query handling are to be put in place . a . Khurda b ) Promoting Brand Odisha : The Odisha advantage needs to b . Berhampur ( Ganjam district ) be marketed vigorously within India as well as globally .
Govt . Incentives to be provided :
a .
Capital subsidy : GoO should provide capital subsidy upto
CST or 5 years , whichever is earlier .
of 20 % of the total investment to new ESDM units in each
g . Value Added market access : In line with the existing
greenfield EMC on capital investments until 2020 limited to
preferential market access ( PMA ) policy notified under National
INR 50 mn per unit . This will be over and above the capital
Electronics Policy , the GoO should also introduce Value Added
subsidy offered by GoI through its M-SIPS scheme . In addition ,
Market access policy for procurement of electronic products by
first 2 anchor investors meeting the investment threshold as
government departments and public sector units
indicated in the “ investment required ” section are eligible for
manufactured by the companies registered and engaged in
Co-investment from Government in return for equity , provided
manufacturing in Odisha . Following is the percentage of
the investment is in the focus sectors and clusters . The Govt .
domestic value addition proposed in terms of BOM :
may provide favourable exit terms ( with its returns linked to inflation / interest rates ) to the remaining investing partners to buy out its equity at a later point of time .
Year 1 – 10 %
Year 2 – 15 %
b . Value-addition linked Interest subsidy : Interest subsidy of
Year 3 – 20 %
5 % should be provided to new ESDM units and expansion
Year 4 – 25 %
projects on working capital loan taken by them for a maximum
Year 5 – 30 %
period of 5 years from the date of commencement of
operations ( not later than 2020 ) ( extent of interest subsidy
linked to domestic value addition ).
c . Training subsidy : One time reimbursement of upto 50 % of the cost incurred to the companies for providing skill gap training to the employees that are domicile of Odisha and are trained by the company within first two years of commencement of operations . The subsidy will be subject to maximum of INR 20,000 per employee .
d . Stamp duty waiver : 100 % exemption of stamp duty and registration fee for the purchase / lease of land and building or office space for setting up the project as well as stamp duty on mortgage / hypothecation with financial institutions , with the condition of commencing operations within three years .
e . VAT reimbursement : Reimbursement of VAT from 75 % - 100 % for a period of 10 years , not exceeding 200 % of capital investment .
f . CST exemption : 100 % refund of CST until the abolition of
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 94