SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 91

Spotlight On Indian electr nics



As an

ESDM destination

ocation analysis : Odisha reported an average annual growth rate of 8.23 % for the 11th five year

Lplan ( at 2004-05 prices ). With its rich mineral

metal sector are POSCO , Tata Steel , Jindal Group , Essar
Steel , Hindalco , Nalco , Vedanta , Aditya Aluminium etc .
The state is well connected with various strategic
base and long coastline it is one of the preferred
points through its 22,364 kms of rail route and 55,000
investment destinations for both domestic and
kms of roadways . A domestic airport is located at
foreigner investors . As per an RBI report ( Odisha top
Bhubaneswar which is well connected to cities like
investment destination in India , 2013 ), it has emerged
Delhi , Bangalore , Chennai , Kolkata and Hyderabad . A
as the hottest destination for new projects with a
number of engineering colleges , polytechnics and
commitment of INR 530,000 billion in investments , 27 %
management institutes provide a strong base of
of all India investments .
qualified skilled and semi-skilled workforce to get
Odisha ’ s industrial base comprises of large , medium
deployed across industries .
and small scale enterprises in steel , aluminum , power ,
The ESDM industry is at a nascent stage in the state .
textile and other sectors . Large scale units are mainly
There are a few players who offer R & D services to their
mineral based . Some of the leading investors in the
clients ’ base in the US and Europe .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 91