SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 71

into a more sophisticated one and geared towards developing
China ’ s case . For example , inland transportation and handling ,
scientific acumen in the field . Many national projects like
and ports and terminal handling account for only 37.9 percent
Golden Projects , 909 semiconductor manufacturing projects ,
of China ’ s cost of exports . In India , these account for 53.4
air traffic control system project , etc . have been instrumental in
percent of the total cost . The total logistic related costs
driving the electronics industry towards higher growth path .
amount to a mere USD 235 per container in China . In absolute
China ’ s success in achieving the goals of its five year plans is
value terms , the total logistic related costs amount to US $ 625
reflected in the country becoming the largest producer in the
per container in India .
world in many electronic categories and also achieving a net
In its Twelfth Five Year Plan ( 2011 – 2015 ), China introduced
exporter status by the Eighth Five Year Plan .
several preferential taxes , and fiscal and procurement policies ,
A broad comparison of the policies specific to the electronics
designed to develop seven Strategic Emerging Industries
sector followed in China and India is given as Annexure D .
( SEIs ). These SEIs are to become the backbone of the country ’ s
An analysis of the policies in China brings out that China has a
economy in the coming years . China ’ s IT industry ( which
mature ESDM eco-system both for components and finished
includes electronics industry ) has been chosen as one of these
goods . It offers the advantage of economies of scale that make
SEIs .
the total cost of manufacturing much lower compared to India .
In terms of its manufacture of electronics , China planned to
Chinese Government has made significant investments to
enhance its global competitiveness by optimizing the industry
develop local supply chain to support major manufacturers .
structure , eliminate its outdated production capacity and
Since the components are locally available and the raw
improve its indigenous innovation capability over the next five
material inventory-carrying cycle is negligible due to the
years . To achieve this , the Government planned to invest
country ’ s ESDM ecosystem , the costs to the manufacturers are
heavily in science and technology R & D to bring about key
reduced . On the infrastructure front , the two fundamental
breakthroughs in targeted technology sub-sectors including
requirements – real estate and power – are available to the
core electronic devices , integrated circuits and
manufacturers at a substantially lower cost .
nanotechnology .
China also provides a more favourable environment in terms of
The Twelfth Five Year Plan targeted the following structural
ease of doing business compared to India . For instance :
adjustments in the electronics industry :
Registration of property : It takes only 29 days in China and costs
► Increased R & D levels
3.6 % of the property value . In India , it takes 44 days and costs
► Enhanced product development capabilities , e . g ., in
7 % of the property value .
hardware and software designs
Tax structure : China ’ s tax structure is also relatively simplified as
► Development of high-end / upstream supply chain
compared to India . More number of taxes requires greater
interaction between businesses and tax collecting agencies , and complicates the process . In this regard , a total of 7
payments are required in China ’ s case . As against this , a total of 33 payments are required in India .
The main incentive that the Government offered to new high- tech enterprises was a 15 % preferential corporate tax rate . In addition , there a geographic-based incentive for new high- tech organizations that offered a two-year tax holiday , followed by three years when tax would be levied at a 12.5 % rate . This
Trading across borders : China ’ s cost to export and import is
incentive was in addition to the 15 % preferential rate that
almost half of that in India . The number of documents required
applies to all new high-tech companies .
for exporting / importing into the country is also lesser in


Impact of recent policy developments on disabilities of ESDM sector
An EY Study examined the issue of the disabilities faced by
In addition to the policy changes in 2012-2013 such as Preferential Market Access , M-SIPS and various taxation related incentives , central government declared product segment specific incentives in the Budget 2014-15 . Along with that , Government took a series of steps to improve the
ESDM sector and the impact of the government initiatives both at Centre and state levels towards electronic system design and manufacturing . The report covers all major policy initiatives announced after May 2014 till January 2015 by central and state governments and their impact on various disability condition across other pillars . disability areas .
Disability Taxation related disability
Government initiatives
Ÿ Reduction of BCD on components for TVs , Solar PVs ,
Ÿ Reduction of Excise Duty on components for LEDs , Avionics
Ÿ Reduction of SAD on components for Smart Cards , PCs
Ÿ Raising of BCD on certain finished products like telecom equipment
Higher cost of finance
Electronics Development Fund ( EDF ) to resolve unavailability of adequate risk capital through venture funds It will have daughter funds with equity exposure of 25-100 % and will contribute up to 20 % to VC funds invited to invest in startups
Increased composite cap of foreign exchange : raised to 49 % from the current level of 27 %, with full Indian management and control , through the FIPB route for strategic electronics
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