SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 68

NET ZERO IMPORTS contributors than tablets .
India currently manufactures approximately a third of the domestic market requirement while the remaining volume is fulfilled through imports .
India IT electronics market : Imports vs Local penetration of desktops , laptops and servers across Indian states .
Creates Technology
Ü Notebooks and PCs are primary modes of content generation
Ü Tablets , smartphones and mobile technology are the endpoint / consumption
Creates Investments
Ü Increase in volumes attract component manufacturers to invest in India
Ü Paves the way for india to become a genuine player in the electronics
Creates Employment
Impact on the job market is exponential
Creates Employment
With the right support , manufacturing in India can double in the first year itself as several companies have idle capacity .
As per industry estimates , India is expected to see an annual
demand of 300 million phones , 100 million laptops , 120 million
US $ Billions ,%, 2014
Source : Observatory of economic complexity ; Team Analysis
tablets & e-readers and 100 million dongles , to the tune of
USD 100 billion .
Providing a more facilitative environment in terms of supportive
The import bill for IT electronics for the year 2014 comprised of approximately USD5 billion of PCs and another USD7 billion
8 for mobile phones . In unit terms , India manufactures only close to 2 % of the global IT electronics requirement .
fiscal and physical policies to manufacturers of desktops , laptops and servers will provide the much needed boost to the manufacturing sector , in tune with the philosophy of ‘ Make in
India ’. It will also lend support to the software industry which is the mainstay behind India ’ s exports . India would have at least 5
The IT hardware sector , more particularly the desktops , laptops
billion connections by the year 2020 . This would necessitate
and servers , is a “ creator ” as brought out in the following
expansion of telecommunications networks and increase in
exhibit :
demand for various types of IT and telecom equipment .
It is important to note that with the government ’ s favourable
India ' s success in IT / ITES would never be complete and would
policies and other growth drivers such as higher real
not touch the lives of masses without commensurate growth of
disposable incomes , easy consumer credit , falling prices of the
electronics sector . Composite and integrated growth of both
products and their increasing penetration and growing
sectors – software and hardware , is the only route to make
consumer and industrial base , there has been an increased
India a global technology powerhouse .


Disabilities faced by the IT hardware sector
Experience in India has shown that there is still a disability cost
Disability areas
compared to other markets around the world . Due to factors –
The following are the disability areas in the Indian electronic
both fiscal & physical – manufacturing in other locations is
system design and manufacturing that prevent its growth :
more viable and profitable when compared to manufacturing products in India .
Fiscal factors that are hampering manufacturing growth in
India are linked to the existing tax structure . This includes
A . Taxation related disability a .
Differential Excise duty / CVD SAD on finished products b .
VAT on finished products
central and state taxes that differ for products manufactured in
c .
Non creditable CST and Entry tax
the country and finished products that are imported . Physical
d .
VAT credit reversal
factors that are curbing manufacturing in the country include
e .
Blocked input VAT on goods used in provision of
transformation costs such as operating expenses , regulatory
expenses , labour , power , transportation , logistics , customs , and so on .
For the purpose of this Report , the overall disability has been considered to be the difference in the selling price of a product
f .
Blocked Input taxes on certain inputs g .
Non-cenvatable Swachh Bharat Cess
B . Business environment disabilities
manufactured in India ( Case 1 ) and the price of the
a .
Higher cost of finance
same / similar product when imported ( Case 2 ), including all
b .
Poor domestic availability of components
import taxes , as a percentage of the selling price of the
c .
Poor infrastructure
product manufactured in the country .
d .
International marketing cost
Disability has been broadly classified into disability due to tax structure and due to various other factors in the business environment . Disability due to tax is the difference in the overall taxes paid in India in Case 1 and Case 2 , as a percentage of selling price of domestically manufactured products .
A . Taxation related disability
Disability due to tax is the difference in the overall taxes paid in
India when similar product is locally when manufactured and imported ( after offsets ) as a percentage of the selling price of products manufactured in the country . It is worth mentioning
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 68